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~~~ Nancy considers joining the pack

Nancy was relaxing in her room at the pack house. As with Anise and Amy, she'd been attending the pack classes and she had a major decision to make. One thing Henry had made clear several months ago was they weren't pack. Due to it there was a certain amount of distrust with some pack members. It was the them against us thing from what she understood.

From what she could figure out it was a case of some of the wolves didn't quite trust them since they weren't pack. Even with Jed being Anise's Seeing Eye Dog some of the pack didn't trust them. Based on what she was learning one of the best ways to gain trust was to become pack. It was what she was trying to decide about now. To become pack was relatively easy even if in a nasty way. She had to go through a ceremony on a moon night and accept a drink which included the Alpha's blood.

Having to drink blood was what was making her resist becoming part of the pack. The drink was one thing, but the blood was another. Anise already had a bond with the pack, but her children were different. Anise was a teen so they, the pack, could accept it but Nancy was an adult. Amy was still a child and from what Henry had said she wasn't going to say anything. Again, it was the child aspect and Nancy was an adult.

This was a decision she, Nancy, had to make and it wasn't going to be something she could ask her children. Nancy had to make the decision. It was what she was thinking about at the moment. Nancy finally gave a disgruntled curse before standing and walking out of the room. She didn't want to say she stomped to Henry's office, but she really was.

When Nancy knocked on the door jamb he didn't even think when he responded, "Come in Nancy and close the door behind you." He had a reasonable idea why she was there, but it was somewhat of a guess. Nancy had been thinking about something for the last several weeks and he wasn't sure of exactly what. One of the instructors had been keeping him updated on what they were learning but there was a large amount of learning they were doing.

Nancy sat down in a chair in front of his desk. Though she tried hard to keep her face expressionless it didn't work. It simply wasn't something she was good with and it showed, "Henry I am doing my best not to be revolted. I have learned about the method used to join the pack but the idea of having to drink some of your blood is revolting. Is it the only way I can join?" It was obvious she was intending to join the pack, but the way was not very pleasant.

Henry had to shrug at her, "Sorry Nancy but it's the only way. One way or the other you have to take in some of the blood of the pack Alpha. I wish I could say something otherwise but it's how we operate. It is very old magic, some of the oldest since it is blood magic and some of the strongest around." There was some other blood which was required but it was still blood. It was so very true in many were creatures used blood to seal bonds. Blood bonds were the strongest possible for were's and they demanded blood.

She didn't bother sighing though she did look at his desk and glared at it. This so wasn't what she wanted to have to deal with, "Damn it Henry, I am so... I want to do what is best for my girls, but this is a step which scares the crap out of me. What the hell am I supposed to do? You and your family have been so helpful, but it scares me to even consider accepting the help. I know the job and the rooms are real but damn it I am not..." What the hell was she supposed to do or think? Most of her adult life had been doing what was needed for her girls. The bastard she had married had left and abandoned them. It made it so hard to trust not just people but men specifically.

Henry had been informed by his investigators about Nancy, her children, and her idiot of a husband. He also knew she had major trust issues thanks to both the idiot and those who should have helped. Henry stood and walked over to his wet bar and poured a tall glass of iced tea before settling down in his chair again, "I wish I had a good answer for you, Nancy. I really do."

Nancy's Story - Seeing Eye Wolf 2  Nano 2018Where stories live. Discover now