Chapter 8 - Nancy's Family

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~~~ Nancy's family

Once seated Alice called for both coffee and tea, "I'm so glad you could come out Nancy. We did try but you seemed to move so much we couldn't keep track of where you were." It didn't help having her husband being against the marriage. Even with the girls being born after the wedding he hadn't liked the man and it showed. It impacted on how he dealt with their youngest girl. It was going to sound bad, but Alice had loved her the most. There was just something which felt so special about her.

"What has life been treating you Nancy? I tried, I really did." We simply couldn't find you after Amy was born. I tried, I really did but you seemed to vanish and anything I found was after you'd vanished again." She held her close and it was obvious she was badly upset not being able to talk to her.

Nancy settled next to her mom and wrapped an arm around the old woman. She was in her sixty's though she carried her age well, "Life was hard and especially after Anise lost her sight. She was ten and we still don't know what happened. If Henry hadn't donated Fido, I don't know what we would have done. Best wolf ever. When the house burned down, he took us in and gave us a place to stay and we rather remained."

Amy giggled, "You forgot to mention the stinky robber Fido dealt with. Not sure what happened to him, but I have a feeling he was scared straight." It was before they knew about Jed but for a brief moment it showed who he was.

Anise made a slight face, "That wasn't a good way to wake up. Fido darn near scared the shorts off me with his growl." She flinched when he nosed her leg, "Blast it Fido! I will break out your muzzle if needed."

Daren laughed at her reaction, "Seeing eye wolf, guard dog, wet tongue, and nose. Good dog." He didn't know about wolves even though his mother did.

Nancy shook her head at her girls, "Started working in the kitchen, ended up the secretary for the senior cook. Went to college and started working for Henry as his secretary. It took this long to realize how much he cares, and I care for him. I'm going to deal with Augustine and then let Henry marry me. I know he's going to love me in ways it didn't."

Daren gave Henry a good look and then a nod, "Good for you Henry, you are getting a damn good woman. Might not have been in her life much but I know she's a good person. Just looking at the two of you I can see how much you two care. I can see how Cedric seems to hover over Anise." He had to glare at the dog since his tongue was hanging out one corner of his mouth, "Don't think about it Fido. I'm a vet and might just shorten your tongue!" He grinned when the tongue vanished from view and the slight growl he received.

Alice shook her head, "Daren I need to talk to Nancy and the others privately. It's to do with things she dealt with and why we had problems getting ahold of her. Give us some time and we'll be out soon." She really needed to talk to her about being the Luna, based on the necklace, and even Cedric and Anise.

"Yes mom." He stood and rolled his eyes since this usually meant someone was going to get 'spoken' to. He didn't think it was the case here, but memories were memories. He left the room and closed the door as he left.

Alice glanced at Jed, "I'm making a guess but assuming you are a wolf change if you want." When Anise pulled some shorts and a shirt out, she started laughing, "Yup, thought so. So, Henry you are the Alpha? Cedric is your heir, and Anise is going to be his mate?"

Anise snickered, "For some reason when Jed changes Mom grumbles at him. Not sure about now but she used to." She pulled the harness off though as a joke she left the collar on, "His real name is Jed and you don't want to know my reaction to his changing the first time I discovered what they were. I almost urped." She had to make a face

Nancy's Story - Seeing Eye Wolf 2  Nano 2018Where stories live. Discover now