~ Chapter 2 ~

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James' POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to get water and I see Emma and Ethan cuddling. I was so confused because I'm positive they don't like each other like that. Either way, I ship it. I got my phone and took a picture of them of course. We need to sister savor the moment hello? I don't know what they did after I slept but they seem super comfortable with each other. I feel like I should talk to Emma about this, but I don't want to invade her privacy. Maybe when the twins leave to see their family I'll ask.

Ethan's POV

I woke up without Emma right beside me. I'm not gonna lie, part of me thinks I like Emma. I knew I made some shitty moves last night but I think it was because I was nervous. I want to know what Emma thinks about me. She probably doesn't like me like that at all, but a guy can dream.

Emma's POV

I got ready and decided to go and get a coffee.

Ethan: "Yo can I come with you?"

Emma: "Sure, why not?" I say smiling.

He gave me a small smile back and I sorta blushed. I hate that I did, but I'm questioning about how I feel towards Ethan. Could I actually have feelings for him? I don't know anymore to be honest. Maybe I do. I need stop, I'm getting a fucking headache.

We walked to the Café because it was only 5 minutes away. It wasn't awkward between us which was nice. We ordered and then went back to the hotel. The iced coffee there is actually bomb as fuck. Surprise bitch lol.

James: "I got to go, bye kitty girls," he says while cracking up.

Emma: "Bye bitchass," I start laughing as well.

Ethan: "When will you be back?"

James: "Mmm probably 9 tonight. Maybe earlier if I can get all my headshots done in time."

Grayson: "Bye then," he says while smiling.

James leaves and now we need to make plans. The twins and I were going to go to the the Empire State Building, but I don't know yet. Gray says he's afraid of heights but there really isn't anything to do here. We could go to Times Square but it's packed this time of year.

Gray: "Hey guys?"

Ethan: "Yeah?"

Gray: "I don't know if I want to go out tonight. I don't feel that well and I kinda want to stay here."

Grayson's POV

I only said that because I saw Ethan and Emma cuddling last night. James showed me a photo this morning while they were gone. I'm honestly fully supportive of this if it ever becomes a "thing." Ethan definitely needs another support system besides me. It's so fucking tiring being there for him constantly. We need more friends honestly.

Emma's POV

Gray: "You guys can just go on your own. I'd rather stay home anyways."

Emma: "Are you sure? We can just hang out when you guys come back from Jersey."

Grayson: "Trust me, it's fine."

Ethan: "Okay then, I guess it'll just be me and you," he says smiling.

Why did I just get the butterflies? I hate that I like him. I can't believe I just came to terms with that. I wouldn't have a problem with liking Ethan if it wasn't the fact that we were already friends. I just don't want that to ruin anything between us. I also don't want that to affect our friend group.

Ethan's POV

It sounds bad, but I'm kinda happy that Gray isn't coming. I was hoping to get some alone time with Emma. Instead of waiting until we get back to LA, I'll tell her how I feel tonight. I've had feelings for her a while back but I've been too much of a pussy to say anything. I can't wait to just vent.

Emma's POV

I wanted to leave the hotel because it would be a waste not to explore around here. I asked if Ethan or Gray wanted to come but Ethan said no. A lil sus but it's okay. Grayson went with me and we just decided to walk the streets of NY.

Gray: "So..."

Emma: "What?" I say hesitantly.

Gray: "I wanted to talk about Ethan and you, what's going on?" he said with a smirk.

What did he know already? Did he see us cuddling or something?

Emma: "I guess it's complicated. Not about what's happened but how I feel. I can't tell if I like him or not. Part of me knows I do, but my brain denies that."

Gray: "Why though?"

Emma: "I just- I don't want our friendship ruined. What if we start dating and then break up? Do you know how awkward that'd be? And our friend group would be a mess."

Gray: "Lies. You guys are literally meant to be. So yeah, what happens if it doesn't work out?

Emma: "Everything will be fucked up."
Gray: "Exac- wait no what? I mean you'll probably still be friends even if you don't last."

Emma: "Key word is probably. That doesn't mean it won't happen."

Gray: "At least give him a chance. The poor boy obviously likes you. When you go out to the Empire State Building tonight, tell him how you feel. I see it in your eyes too, I know you like him."

I think he's right, fuck. I should at least give him a chance. If anyone knows Ethan better than Ethan, it's Gray. There's no doubt about it. We kept on walking and then Grayson startles me out of no where.

Gray: "I saw you cuddling with Ethan by the way," he while laughing.

Emma: "HOW?"

Gray: "James took a pic of it and showed me this morning. That picture makes me ship you guys even more."

Emma: "You lil bitch," I say while giving him a small punch to the shoulder.

Gray: "Whoops."

I have a plan on what to say to Ethan, but I keep thinking of scenarios involving me embarrassing myself. Even though there are so many possibilities of this going wrong, I still hope for the best. It's finally time I tell Ethan how I feel. I like Ethan Grant Dolan.

Word Count: 1052

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