~ Chapter 5 ~

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I look to see who it is and it's Ellie.

Ellie: "Hey," she says giggling.

Emma: "Oh my god hi," I say while giving her a huge hug.

Emma: "What are you doing here," I chuckled.

Ellie: "I wanted to hang out with you today and I thought it'd be a fun surprise. I'm going back to LA today anyway."

I now just remember, we leave for LA today too.

Emma: "Wait come in."

Ellie walks in and plops on the couch.

Emma: "Hey James?" I yelled

He walks into the room.

James: "What is it kitty girl? Oh hey Ellie. Oh wait- ELLIE."

He gave her a hug and then sat down with her.

Emma: "James."

James: "What?"

Emma: "We're supposed to leave NY today."

James: "Are you kidding me?"

Emma: "I fucking forgot and now I'm worried. I think it's at 8 tonight but I could be wrong."

James: "Go ahead and check."

I looked at our tickets and looked at the flight schedule and it said 10pm. Thank the lord because I was afraid we'd miss our flight.

Emma: "False alarm, it's at 10 tonight."

I hear the door open. I also forget that Ellie's here. My ass just realized another thing, I never told her about me and Ethan.

Grayson and Ethan walk in. My immediate thought was to give Ethan a hug. I run and jump into his arms. I wrap my legs around him and we kiss. It didn't last that long until I hear Ellie's loud gasp.

Ellie: "YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU GUYS WERE DATING," she was squealing at this point.

Emma: "I realized that when I heard them walking through the door, whoops."

I turn to look at Grayson, he was nervous as fuck.


At this given time, I'm the one who starts squealing.

Ellie: "You're so weird," she says sarcastically.

I see Grayson lowkey staring at her. I give him a nudge on the shoulder and he snaps back into reality. Ellie goes back to the couch while Grayson goes to his room. They're so cute holy shit.

James suggested that we should go out until we have to leave this place, but we all rejected his idea. I guess we're all exhausted at this point. I walk over to the couch and Ethan plops right next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulders and I just hear Ellie in the background going "awww."

Emma: "Oh shut up," I laugh at her.

I start curl myself up to Ethan and stay like that till we leave. It was honestly such a nice experience. 13/10 would highly recommend.

It was time to finally leave the hotel and fly back to LA.

James: "K lets go bitchasses. I don't want to be late for our flight."

All of our stuff was packed and Ellie was coming with us. Apparently we're on the same flight which is pretty fucking dope. We get to our gate and just sat there until we boarded. I was so excited to go back to LA, I lowkey miss my apartment which isn't really usual. New York was pretty boring without the twins. We get onto the plane and the seating arrangements consist of Ellie, James, then Gray. Ethan and I sit by each other near the window. I lay my head on his shoulder while we board. I knew at some point, I would need to edit because I filmed the haul I did with Ellie and James. I fall asleep laying next to Ethan it was such a comfortable experience. I woke up almost 4 hours later and started editing my ass off. After I finished the vid, I got Ethan to watch it just for approval.

By the time I was done, we were already in LA. We get off the plane and ubered to the twins' house. Ellie went on her own way tho back to her apartment. James and I decided to just stay over since it was 3am anyway. We all go get dressed and go to sleep. I didn't know where I was staying for the night but I assumed Ethan's room. He actually took my hand and we walked there. I get into his bed all comfortable and shit and fall asleep. The last thing I remember that night was Ethan grabbing my waist and hugging me close until my eyes shut. This is the best feeling ever.

Word Count: 758

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