~ Chapter 14 ~

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A/N: Bonus because I felt weird about only posting a dirty chapter. I couldn't just leave you hanging like that EW

It's almost the end of January meaning our "Sister Squad" tour starts soon. I've been so excited for this holy shit. It's gonna last around 3 months or so. We're staying in North America though and if it does extremely well, European tour dates might come out too. The way the show works is that James will be the opening by doing a singing solo, with a piano of course. Later on we'll do fun games, some of where the fans can interact, an hour long Q&A, and then the meet and greet if others got the extra pack. There's also gonna be a merch stand lol.

Ethan: " Hey Emma, hurry up so we can get on the tour bus," E tells me through the phone.

Emma: "Hold on bitch. I'm loading my shit onto the car, I'll be there soon, promise."

Ethan: "K bye."

Emma: "Byeeee."

I get into my car, furious at my insane stupidity. I procrastinated last minute to pack, and now I was holding everyone back. I get to the tour bus as quick as possible.

Ethan: "Hey," he smiled and gave me a big hug.

Gray: "Hey Emma."

Ellie: "Took you long enough," she laughed.

Emma: "I stalled you guys I'm sorry."

James: "Oh my god hey bitch," James pulls me into a hug.

Emma: "Hey hoe," I reply.

Ethan: "You guys excited? I'm so ready to go back on tour," he interrupts.

James: "Me too. When I went to Australia for my my tour, I literally had the best time. Traveling is honestly so much fun till you're home sick."

Gray: "That's so true. It gets overwhelming sometimes but knowing that your fans are happy makes it all worth it."

Emma: "I'm too excited, let's fucking go."


Everyone cheers as we get on the bus. Because there aren't many bunkers, Ethan and I are sharing. The same thing goes for Ellie and Grayson. James might be sleeping alone but it doesn't mean he's lonely. He's got himself a man this year, couldn't be prouder.

James: "What ever you guys do, please don't set off a prank war. If I'm traveling with you guys for 3 months straight, I want some peace."

Ethan: "You know, now that you've mentioned it, it's on."

James: "What the actual fuck have I done."

Emma: "You just started a war, James Charles Dickinson."


Emma: "At least you like dick, so you don't fully hate it," I laugh.

James: "I'm already regretting the next 3 months and it hadn't even been 3 minutes. I think I'm gonna kill you all."

Gray + Ellie: "WE NEVER DID ANYTHING!" They shout in sync.

I let out a giggle in the background. Ethan just looked over and smiled at me.

James: "Oh sorry, I'm gonna kill Ethan and Emma."

Emma: "Oh it is-"

Ethan: "So fucking on."

Emma: "Thanks for stealing my line bitch," I turn to him

Ethan: "Hey I was doing you a favor," getting all defensive.

Emma: "Are you trying to make me feel better knowing he's gonna kill both of us instead of just me?"

James: "I honestly don't think I'll have to kill any of you 2 because you guys will get to it quicker than me."

Ethan: "He's right. We're already arguing and we haven't even left this place yet."

Emma: "That entire conversation was so irrelevant what the fuck?"

Ethan: "I know, why were we arguing again?"

Emma: "Eh, could care less."

I walk back to our bunk.

James: "Aaaaaaaand I'm wasting my time standing here.... okay bye."

James also leaves for his bunk. I turn on my laptop to start editing because out destination will take a while. Our first stop is actually in San Fran, my hometown. While we're there, we ALL are staying over at my mom's place. The next show date isn't until 2 days later, we have time to kill. I look out the tour bus window with my headphones, admiring the gorgeous view, every once in a while returning back to my editing.

Emma: "Awww shit."

Ethan: "What's wrong?" Ethan came poking through the bed curtain.

Emma: "I accidentally deleted some footage and now I have to import it, again," I say in defeat.

Ethan: "You should take a break. You wanna watch a movie with me and the others?"

Emma: "Sure, I have to wait like 2 hours for this to import anyway."

I jump off the bunk considering it's a little high. Ethan grabs my hand and leads me to the "living space."

James: "Oh are you done editing?"

Emma: "No, my shit got deleted. It's okay though."

Ellie: "We were actually about to watch a movie, any suggestions?"

Gray: "People have been recommending BirdBox recently. It's like all over Twitter haha."

A/N: I actually haven't fully watched it yet don't attack me JDKSJSK ( I know how it ends and stuff though. If you don't entirely want spoilers, skip ahead and there will be a warning saying it's over )

Emma: "Yeah why not?"

I plop my ass right next to Ethan and snuggle up to him. Even though we're in California, January is still cold. I take a blanket and cover us up with it, our hands intertwine under the sheets.

Emma: "Oh my god I can't watch this."

Ethan: "Why what's wrong?"


James: "I KNOW AND THEY'RE SO CLOSE," he replies crying with me.

Ellie: "DON'T MAKE ME CRY EVEN MORE," she says blowing into a tissue.


I look out to see the pitch black sky, could barely tell that there were stars. I climb onto the bed, laying my body right next to E. He's partly sound asleep. I bring the covers up to my neck, making myself extra cozy. I feel Ethan wrap his arms around my waist while mumbling something. I couldn't really make it out, but I thought it was cute that he was talking in his sleep.

I hear giggling coming from Ellie and Gray's bunk, ew. James is practically snoring which is nice. Tomorrow we should be waking up in San Fran. I was so excited to see my mom, considering it's been almost 2 months. My dad hasn't been around much either but it's because he's took painting way more seriously. It's nice to know that he's happy with what he's doing. Each second my eyes grew heavier, slowly closing into a deep slumber. My thoughts instantly stop, what a lovely night I had.

A/N: Please comment below if you like long chapters :) This is slightly longer than my past chapters so I hope you liked it xoxo

Word Count: 1166

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