~ Chapter 10 ~

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These past few months consisted me of only attending meetings. I had so much planned for next year that I forgot how fast time was passing by. The reason why today is important specifically is because it's been 1 year of the sister squad. The stuff that I have been planning behind the scenes is being announced today and I'm so anxious. This might hit off well, or it'll be a total miss.

A/N: hit 👊🏼 or miss 🙆🏽‍♀️ 🤪 I guess ⁉️ they never 🚫 miss huh 🤷🏽‍♀️ 🥵

I've never been involved in something like this before. James and the twins have done it but I'm not experienced. They're doing the announcement with me, which actually takes a ton of weight off of my shoulders. I set my cameras up for the twins and James because the announcement is done through a YouTube video I'll post on my channel, later today.

The doorbell rings almost 30 minutes later and I see kitty girl James walk through.

James: "Hey bitchass. Ready to tell the whole world about your sister secret?"

Emma: "It's not that big of a deal."


Emma: "Okay it is but it's just stressful. All the meetings and planning took so long, I hope this entire thing is worth it."

James and I talk a little bit more until I hear the second doorbell. I open my front door to see my goofy lookin boyfriend standing there. We've been together for almost 5 months and I couldn't be happier. Ethan pulls me into a hug and gives a kiss on my forehead. A few minutes later, Grayson comes in. Turns out he had to pick up a call, and that person was Ellie. They've been together for almost 3 months. I have honestly never seen them with so much joy that was genuinely pure. I'm so excited for what's to come in general. All of our relationships, the careers we'll have, and the announcement today is all I've been looking forward to.

James: "We ready to film now kitty girls?"

Emma: "Yeah..."

We sit on my couch to fit in the frame. From
left to right it goes Grayson, James, me, and Ethan. His arm is around me while we're filming, so sweet. As I'm doing my intro, this video is already a mess. Not surprised though because this entire group is so dysfunctional in general. We can't do one thing together without fucking it up, I know.

Emma: "So basically today, we all have an announcement to make."

James: "A very important one too," as he points his finger up.

Ethan: "Yeah this time it actually is."

Emma: "Meaning that it isn't a merch drop."

Gray: "The shade how dare you," he laughs.

Emma: "All of you have been wondering, 'What's so secret?'

Ethan: "Mhm. Yeah. Sure. 'YoU'vE aLl BeEn WoNdEriNg!1!!'"

Emma: "Shut the fuck up you asshole!!"

Ethan: "Oh well look who's talking? You didn't tell me to stop last week when-"

Ethan: "At least you liked-"


James: "Oh be quiet, we all know you aren't, you non extra vir-"

Emma: "ANYWAYS... this project was in the works months ago. I had no clue if it would be a good idea or not considering that there was so much work to be done."

James: "I was literally with her throughout this entire process and we have all seen the hard work that's gone into this. This announcement is so good and fresh and I promise you that it'll be worth the while."

Gray: "To clear things up, we're all apart of this announcement. It means a lot to us because Ethan and I have also been wanting to do this again, as well as James. Emma on the other hand hasn't really been in this field before."

Emma: "Which is why I'm making a whole separate ass video. I think we all know that I would NEVER put this much dedication."

Ethan: "That's so true."

Emma: "You're supposed to disagree."

Ethan: "But I'm a good boyfriend and I wouldn't lie to you."

Gray: "Burnnnn."

James: "What's sad is that we know Ethan's right, literally the first time ever."

Emma: "We kept getting off track what the fuck?"

Grayson: "That's your brand what do you mean?"

Out of no where, a random ass doorbell rings, or so they think.

Ellie: "What's up guys it's Ellie and I'm here to be your special guest," she says sarcastically.

She makes the grandest entrance in her cute outfit. Grayson is just completely confused. If you need a background story, Ellie went back to Arizona for a while so Grayson and her have been doing long distance. She's here because she is apart of the surprise. The announcement is what I mean. Everyone in the room knew about it except Grayson, of course.


He got up and gave her a bear hug, they kissed real quick and Ellie gave her explanation. They soon walk back in frame.

Ellie: "Hey guys haha," she plops on Grayson's lap

James: I don't think I've ever been this single."

Emma: "Oh shut up, you'll find a mans some day."

Ellie: "Yeah, I believe in you James."

Ethan: "K so back to the announcement."

Emma: "Oh I forgot. The special announcement is that the twins, James, Ellie, and I will be...

A/N: Sike bitch SKSKKS I'm leaving you on a cliff hanger, but just wait. Next chapter will knock you off your feet 😩😔 ( ~ ew ~ )

Word Count: 945

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