~ Chapter 9 ~

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Ethan: "Oh- I got it."

Gray: "What is it?"

Ethan: "Why don't we watch a scary movie?"

Emma: "Oh hell no."

Ellie: "I agree with Emma."

Ethan: "Don't be such a pussy and just suck it up."

Emma: "Well excuse me- I'm sorry that I actually have one."

Gray: "Come on, it'll be fun. We could choose a funny horror movie to make it seem less scary?"

Emma: "Fine."

I give in but I know that I'll regret it. Grayson finds a movie and it's called "Scream." I've seen this movie before and it's iconic, but scared the shit out of me last time. Maybe it was because I was young, who knows?  We all get comfortable with our blankets n stuff and then play the movie.


Emma: "ME TOO."

Ethan: "Shut up you'll be fine" he laughs at us.

Grayson's POV

I tried glueing my eyes to the screen for the past 10 minutes but for some reason, I find myself just looking at Ellie again. It sounds cheesy I know, but I don't know why I'm suddenly all attached to her. I made a risky move and decided to put my arm around her. Nothing really happened after that until a jump scare came up and she wiggled into my shoulders. I thought it was cute of her.

Ethan's POV

I look at Emma and realize she's already looking at me.

Ethan: "Take a picture, it'll last longer," I whisper in a low voice very close to her ear.

She punches my arm and laughs at what I said. She then scooches closer to me to the point where she's almost on top of me. Half of her body was just wrapped around my torso, I didn't hate it at all. Emma and I have been dating for almost a month now and I feel like we're finally getting comfortable with each other. That was the one thing I was waiting for. When I had a crush on Emma, I didn't know how to act in front of her. Now that we're together all the time n shit, we have no problem with being extremely touchy. I want to make some moves but it'll be whenever she's ready.

Emma's POV

My ass tries not to be such a pussy, but it's no hope. I still scream at every jump scare, close my eyes every time someone gets murdered, and shove my face into Ethan's neck when I can't watch it any longer. I think it's my new routine. We see the credits play on the screen.



Emma: "Same."

We get up from the couch and head to our bedrooms. We already established that I would sleep with E, and Ellie would sleep with Gray. I think my plan worked. Those 2 are head over heals for each other, fucking adorable. Honestly can't wait to see what the future holds for them. They BOTH deserve happiness.

Ethan: "I'm not tired."

Emma: "Yeah me too. What should we do then?"

Ethan: "I don't know."

We sat in comfortable silence for a good 5 mins until one of us spoke.

Ethan: "Wanna go on a mini adventure?"

I froze. What could we possible do at 2am?

Emma: "What's your idea?"

Ethan: "Well I was thinking we could get pressed and then head out the the beach. It's only 20 minutes away."

Emma: "Sounds like a plan, lets go."

Ethan grabs his keys and we head out. The drive to Pressed Juicery wasn't far at all but because I have no patience, it felt like forever. I ordered for both of us and then drove to the beach. It was honestly so calm I couldn't believe it. Ethan had a spare towel in the back including a blanket so we took it out on the sand with us. I sat down with E following right after.

Emma: "It's beautiful wow."

Ethan: "I honestly think it's more gorgeous out when it's night time around here."

Emma: "Agreed."

There was another pause. I lay down on the blanket we spread out earlier. My back is flat while my face is staring at the sky, Ethan doing the same.

Emma: "Hey Ethan?"

Ethan: "Yeah?"

Emma: "I wanted to ask you something."

Ethan: "Sure what is it?"

Emma: "Well, I don't know if this will make you uncomfortable, but how long have you liked me for?"

Ethan: "Depends, like the 'I got a little crush' phase or the 'I'm head over heals' phase?"

I slightly blushed. I could feel my cheeks warming up.

Emma: "The 'I'm head over head over heals' phase."

Ethan: "I guess around 8 months ago."

Emma: "WAIT WHAT?"

I sat back up.

Ethan: "Yeah about that-"


Ethan: "Yeah..."

Emma: "Awwww, you're so fucking adorable. I can't believe I didn't notice."

Ethan: "All that matters is that you know now to be honest. I actually tried to hide my feelings from you."

Emma: "Why though?"

Ethan: "I didn't want to seen like a softie."

Emma: "But you are. That's what I like most about you," I gave him a smile.

Ethan: "You know, you're the more adorable one here."

Emma: "Lies, I look like a fucking crackhead."

Ethan: "No but-"

Emma: "Nope, I look like a crackhead."

Ethan: "At least you're a cute one."

We laugh at what had happened and as we do, I feel our connection grow stronger. The distance between us was suddenly eliminated. I felt his cold breath against my neck, goosebumps. We lean closer until there is no space left. Our lips collide passionately ending our perfect night, who knew?

Word Count: 969

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