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"Okay let's get this party started, gate card set,bakugan brawl...bakugan stand...rise haos contestir!!" Yelled Zenet.

"Bakugan brawl...bakugan stand...rise aquos Lythirus!!" Yelled Stoica.

"Wow that's so cool!! yu excitedly shouted out. this looks so much interesting than beyblading!!" as yu's eyes lit up with stars. ( both bakugan starts on 900 points)

"Ill go first, ability activate!! Acid bath!!" Stoica yelled out to Lythirus. Lythirus made acid bubbles and blasted it directly at contestir.

"What ever, ability activate!! Bolting storm!!" Zenet screamed. (contestir gained 300 points)

Both attacks collided but, Lythirus's attack was more stronger and contestir had been badly damaged by Lythirus's acid.

"Contestir nooo!!" Zenet cried out.

"Wow that looks like some dangerous acid," Benkei said.

Stoica then grinned and Lythirus smirked at Zenet and contestir.

"Not so tough now are ya," Lythirus said in his creepy voice. "Stoica next ability now!!"

"Right, ability activate!! Death end merman!!" Stoica said. Lythirus delivered a flurry of attacks at contestir.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh!! I'm sorry Zenet." contestir apologized.

Then contestir turned Baku into a baku-ball.

"That was a lot of attacks, that I didn't even know what was going on," kenta said in shock. (Zenet's life force 30)

Then a white light appeared and sucked everyone in once again.

Beyblade and bakugan crossover-Mirror MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now