chapter 25: Mackenzie pov

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I've been thinking lately. I'm no princess In a fairy tale or some model from Hollywood, I'm just plain kenzie.
I sat curled up in the my hospital bed, lost in thought, wondering why johnny kissed me back. Why did he come every day? Why did he bother with me?
Just as I was thinking, mom and Maddie walked in, there hair slightly damp from the rain outside.
"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Mom said giving me a light kiss on my forehead.
"I'm fine," I mumbled back.
"Well that excellent, we'll hopefully get you home soon and you can catch up on school?"
School? Now that sounds as alien and as freakish to me as love does. I don't know anything about love or feelings or emotions.
"Hey kenz," johnny quietly came into the room.
Maddie and mom then left, smug smiles on their faces.
"Johnny... emm... I need to... to talk to you," I stutter, nerves filling my voice.
"Is everything ok? Are you ok?" He asked worriedly, throwing his back pack drown on the floor.
"Yeah I'm fine, it's just I need to tell you something..." I started.
"Well ok tell me," he smiled.
I breathed in deeply...

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