Eleven: Drunk In Love

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A/N: This is just a short and sweet Phil getting drunk fic. There's a little part at the end based on the art attached above. Just with Phil as the drunk one.

My friend Chris is having a party at his house. Chris is notorious throughout my friend group for having the most wild and out of control parties. Tonight he's having a party to celebrate  Pj's birthday, and my boyfriend Phil and I plan to go.

As we pull up to the party I notice a bunch of people standing on Chris's lawn. I spot my friend Louise amongst the group, which isn't hard since she's the only one wearing a hot pink dress. I find us a parking spot and we walk hand in hand towards the group of our friends.

Phil leans into my ear and whispers, "I'm gonna go get us some drinks." I nod and he wanders off to find the refreshments. Louise notices me standing there and waves enthusiastically. I giggle and wave back as she makes her way over to me.

"Dan! It's been so long since I saw you! You look amazing!" I smile. We chat happily back and forth until Phil returns with my drink. He got us both beers. I thank him and take a sip of my drink.

About halfway through the party I realize that I haven't seen Phil in a while. I look around for him a bit but he doesn't seem to be anywhere. I notice Pj standing there with his birthday hat on and I decide to ask him.

"Hey Peej, happy birthday!"

"Thanks Dan! Chris really knows how to throw a party huh?" I nod in agreement.

"Have you seen Phil anywhere?" I ask, but before Pj can give me an answer, a person crashed into me.

"Hey Danny," Phil giggles as he hangs off my shoulder. I look over at him and see that he's holding a new cup. So he's drunk. Great.

I take the cup and place it on the nearest table out of his reach. I grab his hand and kiss his nose affectionately. "Hey Baby Boy. Did you have fun?" He nods and giggles at himself. I can hear Pj snickering quietly and I give him a quick glare before turning back to Phil with a smile. "That's great Phil. But we've gotta get going now. Say bye to Peej." Phil giggles and waves to Pj.

"Bye bye!" He calls as I begin to drag him out of the house. I laugh at his childishness. Suddenly he jerks out of my grip and runs away. I panic for a second and run after him, only to find him conversing with an also slightly tipsy Chris.

"Chris! Chris! Did you know I have a boyfriend?" Chris giggles a bit, but he seemed sober enough. He played along with Phil.

"No I didn't know that. What's he like?"

"Well he's really tall and nerdy," Phil giggles a bit. "But he's also really sweeeeet and cuuuuuddly and I loooooove him." He burst out laughing after finishing, causing Chris to chuckle along with him. I was standing there smiling a bit. Dang, how'd I get so lucky? I walk up to them and Phil gasps when he sees me.

"Chris look! It's my boyfriend!!!" He giggles and wraps his arms around me, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I hug him back.

"Hey there gorgeous. Ready to go?" Phil nods slightly. I smile and look at Chris, mouthing a thank you to which he replies with a thumbs up and a wink.

I finally get Phil in the car and he chats the whole way home. I walk inside and sit on the couch. A few moments later, I hear the door slam shut. I watch as Phil stumbles through the doorway. When he sees me his eyes light up like a child's.

"Danny! I missed you!" He calls as he stumbles towards the couch where I'm sat. He collapses into my lap and kisses me passionately. His lips taste of alcohol. I giggle and pull him off of me.

"It's only been a few seconds you spoon." He giggles at that and buries his head in my chest. I stroke his hair lovingly.

"I know, I just miiiiiissed youuuu." He sings causing me to laugh. I kiss his head lightly.

"It's almost midnight baby, we should probably get you to bed." I say. I push him off of me and grab his hand, dragging him towards his bed. He wiggles out of my grasp and runs ahead. I watch as Phil launches himself onto the bed, landing face first on the mattress. God why does he have to be so fuckin cute when he's drunk?

"Phil, if you go get ready for bed, I'll come lay with you okay?" He nods excitedly and immediately scrambles to get ready. I giggle and head to my own room to grab my stuff. When I return, I see him laying atop the covers and staring at the ceiling. I lay on my stomach next to him and look at his face. Phil turns to me and his lips curl into a small smirk. He reaches up and caresses my cheek tenderly.

"You're beautiful." He whispers. I giggle and lean into his touch.

"You're drunk." I whisper back, and begin to climb under the covers. Phil clamors in next to me and snuggles up to my side. I place a gentle kiss to his temple. "Good night angel." I whisper into his ear. He mumbles something and buries his head further into me. Soon, I begin to hear soft snores escape his lips. And soon, sleep finds me as well.

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