Twenty Øne (Pilots): Very Punny

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Phil goes to Starbucks and gets cute messages from an even cuter barista.
Word count: 2132

The day started out as any other would. I headed to Starbucks to meet my friend, Louise. We often meet here to catch up since we don't get to see each other that often. I entered the store and spotted Louise at a table in the corner. I waved to her quickly before hopping into line. Then I saw the most beautiful barista behind the counter.

He had a fringe as brown as the coffee he was making, the curly locks draped over the left side of his face. He had pale skin, only a shade or two lighter than my own ghostly complexion. As he smiled to the lady in front of me I could see that he had dimples. God, as if he couldn't be any more adorable. When his chestnut eyes met mine, I swear I saw them sparkle a bit. He grinned showing off those damn dimples of mine. He whispered something to the barista about to take my order, causing her to scurry off looking a bit confused.

He leaned across the counter and said, "Are you lost sir? Because heaven is a long way from here." He gave me a cheeky wink. That simple (and cheesy) pick up line caused my stomach to erupt with butterflies. I simply shake my head awkwardly and avoid meeting his gaze. He chuckled sweetly. "I'm Dan what's your name?" He asked. His voice was almost as beautiful as he was.

"P-Phil." I muttered nervously. His face turned to one of confusion, but his eyes still had an amused twinkle in them.

"Really?" I nod. "Oh, I thought it was pronounced gorgeous." As if I couldn't get any redder, this Dan guy just had a knack for making me flustered. Finally, he took my order and I made my way over to Louise.

"Who's that?" She teased as I took my seat. I just shrugged and took a sip of my coffee. "Ooo Philly's got a crush." She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Shut up Louise." I groaned and hid my ever-reddening face in my hands.

"What? He clearly likes you. You should go talk to him." I scoff at this.

"Please. There's no way that beautiful guy likes me of all people."

"Your cup says otherwise Philly my boy." Louise giggles. I look at my cup quizzically only to see that Dan had written something on it.

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy. But here's my number, so call me maybe? ;)

I smile at the adorable message. I see Dan grinning behind the counter and I give him a small wave. Louise looks at me in amusement.

"He totally likes you."

The next day, I went back to Starbucks. Not to see Dan! I just... needed coffee.

I entered the cafe and see Dan hand someone a drink. He seems to notice me too because his smile grew twice as wide. I walked straight up to the counter and Dan was waiting for me there.

"Hey could you grab my arm?" He asks once we're face to face. I look at him questioningly. "I want to tell my friends I've been touched by an angel."

This guy.

I order and he makes my coffee. When he hands it to me I see that everything on the warning label has been crossed off so it reads, you're extremely hot.

Starbucks Boy☕️

Hey Phil


My mom thinks I'm straight...

Can you help me prove her wrong? ;)

Are you drunk or something?

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