Déjà vu

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Her mind slowly sank back into consciousness. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She almost passed out again because of what she saw. She was back in the town square, strapped against the pyre again, with the entire town in front of her. This time they didn't have torches or pitchforks and were glaring at her, making to attempt to conceal their hatred. Then, something else made tears spring to her eyes. It was Leif. He was standing just in front of the stage with one Techno-Cop on either side of him. His parents were next to him, but once again, he had eyes only for her. The sheriff strutted onto the stage again and she had an annoying sense of déjà-vu. 

"Now, as you all know, this is the little Mysteria girl from a year ago. She had been sentenced to the crime of breaking and entering, theft and, of course, being a Mysteria. The vote is simple. Imprisonment or death? Again, it has to be unanimous for death, and it doesn't for imprisonment. And young Mr. Harley will not have a say in the matter." 

The sheriff glared at Leif and Sylrie's heart sank for him. His reputation was ruined because of her. She glowered at the sheriff. She would make sure that Leif was not hated because of her. "Now," said the sheriff gleefully.

 "It's time to vote." 

Once again, everyone yelled in unison, "Death!" and once again, Leif did not say anything. 

The sheriff turned around, grabbing an axe from him belt. He raised it high over her head and prepared to swing. Sylrie felt her pulse quicken and her muscles tighten, but she knew that she couldn't prevent the inevitable. She was going to die. Sylrie lowered her head and closed her eyes. 

 "Stop!" someone in the crowd called. The sheriff paused mid-swing and Sylrie looked up to see who had spoke. All eyes turned to the back of the crowd. Standing there, in a lapis-lazuli coloured cloak, was a young woman. She couldn't have been older than 13 and she held her head high. Her red and black hair swished around her knees and her emerald green eyes sparkled dangerously in the fading afternoon light. 

 "And who," the sheriff snarled, leaning towards her, "are you?" 

 "My name is Twyla, and I live in the abandoned post office. I vote for imprisonment, not death." 

Every single person in the crowd gasped and stiffened. Every. Single. Person. Except Leif and Twyla, of course. 

"Very well then," the sheriff said, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. "The girl is sentenced to four years in Oak Prison Facility." 

As Sylrie was hauled off stage, she passed Leif. She said one word to him and he said one word back. 



Sorry guys, I know this chapter is rushed but i'm at school and it's only, like, three min until free time is over. I'll update ASAP.

Cakey4 🍰 

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