The Lost Twins of Draconia

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Sylrie brought Twyla and her four friends into the living room so that they could meet Saki, Star, Halie and Jakania. When she got into the living room, everyone was staring at Jakania, who had his arm around Saki.

"Um, guys," said Sylrie, breaking whatever trance they were in. "This is Twyla" 

"I'm Zander," a blonde haired boy finished, his blue eyes twinkling.

"I'm Aroim and this is my mirror twin Moira," said a girl with raven hair and silver eyes, gesturing to a girl with white hair and grey eyes.

"And I'm Ivy," completed a girl with golden hair and green-blue eyes.

"This is Saki, Star, Halie and Jakania," introduced Sylrie, pointing to each person in turn. "Saki is my fraternal twin sister."

Twyla's mouth hung open, Zander looked like he either wanted to laugh or throw up and Ivy, Moira and Aroim were looking at everyone with an expression like 'I told you so'.

"What?" asked Saki and Sylrie simultaneously.

"Can I see the results from the DNA test?" mumbled Twyla, still gaping at both of them.

"Uh, sure?" said Sylrie, although it sounded like a question. She walked over to the computer and opened up the results from the DNA test. 

When Twyla saw the results she went pale and Ivy actually said, "I told you so! Ha! I was right! Now you owe me ten dollars, Mr. Zander."

"Told them what?" asked Leif.

"Saki and Sylrie are the lost twin princesses of Draconia."

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