Cliffhanger (cause I left you on one)

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Remember the cliffhanger that I lef t you on? Now you'll find out if I was joking or not.

"I...have a twin sister." 

Sylrie blurted out the words super-fast, like she had been waiting a long time to say them. Leif's jaw fell, and he stared at her like she had just told him that the earth orbited the moon and aliens were plotting to overthrow the government. Sylrie twisted her fingers together in her lap and stared down at her singed trainers. 


Leif struggled for words before letting go of Sylrie's shoulders and rocking back on his heels. 


"Well, it's actually kind of complicated, but basically my mother had us separated at birth because of my sister's Mysteria power. She sent my sister off to live with someone else, and then made fake identities for herself, my father and my brother. Our last name used to be Black, but my parents changed it to Noir. They never changed their first names, but no one noticed that. Until the gray-cloaked figure came and set the fire." 

When Sylrie finished talking she studied Leif carefully, making sure he wasn't going into shock. She could see the confusion in his eyes. He inhaled shakily.

"When did your mum tell you?" 

Sylrie frowned, twisting her fingers harder in her lap. 

"That's the thing. She didn't tell me, but she did show me. Sorta. You know the locket that she threw to me? The one from the night of the fire? Well, it turns out that it was my 'twin locket'. It had my initials inside and the initials of my twin sister. There was also a letter explaining who my twin was and what had happened to her." 

 "Do you know anything else about her?" Leif asked, obviously still confused. 

Sylrie shrugged. 

"All I know is that we are fraternal twins, she is seventeen seconds older than me and her initials are S. B." 

Leif sat down next to her on the edge of the bed. Sylrie leant her head against his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her. 

 "We have to go," she murmured into his shirt. "The figures will come back, probably sooner rather than later." 

Leif sighed and pulled her closer. 

 "Well," he said, staring at the rubble that surrounded them. "I have always wanted to see Paris."

Haha, another cliffhanger! I love this book.

Cakey4 🍰 

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