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Sylrie hurried through the corridor down to the spare room. When she got inside she saw Saki talking to some random girl, but she barely noticed the girl. Her eyes stayed on Saki. 

"Hi Sylrie," said Saki cheerily. 

"The test results came back," replied Sylrie numbly. "We're fraternal twin sisters." 

 Saki didn't shout, didn't scream, didn't say anything, didn't even blink. She just leaned against the other girl, staring off into space. 

 "So," said Sylrie to the other girl. "Who are you?" 

 "I'm Halie," the girl said. She had light teal hair and orchid coloured eyes. "I'm a friend of Saki's. So you two are twin sisters? You don't look like her." 

 "We're fraternal twins," Sylrie explained. "Not identical twins." 

Something caught her eye and she ran over to the small dirty window in the corner. Through it she could see all the way to the city centre, where a hover-train was pulling at the station. She turned to Halie. 

 "Gottogosorrybye!" she blurted out, already halfway out the door. 

She got to the city centre in less than a minute and waited patiently for the train's engines to turn off and for the people inside to climb out. Twyla stepped out first, squinting in the sunlight and smiling when she saw Sylrie. 

 "Hi," she said. "Hey, where's the antidote?" 

Sylrie asked, peering into the train cart to try and glimpse the medicine. Twyla chuckled as five other people filed out behind her. 

"You really like that guy, don't you?" 

 Sylrie could feel her cheeks heating up as she mumbled, "Yeah, whatever." 

Twyla grinned. 

 "The antidote is right here," she said, triumphantly removing a small syringe from the pocket of her skirt. 

Sylrie sighed in relief. 

"Come on," she said, turning around. "The hideout is this way."

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