Chapter Fourteen - Clarity

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One leaned against the wall, as far away from Kat as she could get, scowling.

Three swept around the room, shifting forms, until finally they settled on a human form, skin as pale as the moon, the space around them seemed to distort and pull at Kat, like a human shaped black hole.

Two sat in front of her and clasped her hands warmly.

"I am so proud! Really!" He looked over his shoulders at the others, "Can you believe it?! A child of the Moon, surviving The Circle! One, get her some clothes."

Kat looked down at herself, realising she was naked. She'd really almost burned to death. Her clothes and contact lenses were gone, only her body had survived.

One snorted in derision, throwing jeans and a sweater in Kat's lap, "So you have ONE charge that passed, big deal!"

Kat dressed quickly as Two prickled at One, "Two, as you know. And how many of yours have passed? None."

"Whatever, she's clearly something more, and that's cheating."

"She's a child of the Moon, end of story." Two rolled his eyes at her.

Kat silently stared between them as Three looked bored.

"Your charge?" Kat asked Two.

His face lit up, the silver glow around him shimmered.

"I think it's time for proper introductions."

Three rolled his eyes as One flounced towards Kat, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

"I am One, sentient servant to the Sun."

Two smiled, "I am Two, sentient servant to the Moon." He winked.

Three crossed his arms, "I'm Three, sentient servant to Life and Death." He yawned.

"All of us work together to oversee this planet, on behalf of our makers. It's a full time job." Two grinned.

"We are known, currently, as the Oracles of Three, but we have worn many titles since the dawn of time."

"But you can see the future?" Kat asked, confused.

One rolled her eyes and sat in a chair.

"That's a common misconception. We know all and we see all, because of this we can make predictions of future events based on the person's previous motives and personality traits. However, it is not an exact science as there are millions of variables at any one time."

"Ughhh-" Kat blinked at her.

"We can make an educated guess. We haven't been wrong yet, but then-" she trailed off.

"But then?" Kat pushed.

Three stepped forwards, their voice floating around the room, "Only three before you have entered The Circle and lived to tell the tale."

Kat frowned, "So you've made three accurate predictions?"

Three nodded.

"And two of them weren't exactly hard." One muttered.

Kat looked at her quizzically.

"Children of Death, Kat. Predictable beings." She pretended to think really hard, "Ah yes, here I see you killing and maiming, blah, blah, blah, blood, guts, gore."

Three bristled, "Children of the Sun are hardly more interesting!"

Two held up his hand and silence fell.

"What do you wish to know, Kat?"

Kat took a deep breath, "My father always told me that I was different. That I had something other wolves didn't. I've felt it beneath my skin for a long time. He said that if others discovered it, I would be targeted, experimented on and killed. He said that those I choose to let in to my life would be in the same danger, my family, my friends, my mate. I didn't believe him until he and my mother died for his secret."

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