Chapter Twenty Seven - Contract

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Saff shoved Kat forward, towards the men grouped at the door.

She could feel Cal's senses heighten as he watched Lucio carefully, taking in everything he did.

Lucio moved to meet Kat as she approached.

"Stop." Cal growled, low in his throat. Lucio froze.

Kat raised an eyebrow at Lucio, smirking. She was not used to seeing him take orders from anyone. He was clearly on his best behaviour.
She could feel Cal's irritation. She looked around fleetingly, there were lots of witnesses.

"Shall we move this meeting to your office, Alpha?" Kat asked quietly, her eyes searching Cal's for some kind of explanation.

He nodded curtly and turned to lead the visitors into the house.

"I will speak with them alone." Lucio instructed his companions. 

"But-," a brunette man started, reaching out to Lucio. 

Lucio gave him a cold glare. The man composed himself quickly, going and sitting in a car Kat hadn't noticed before. The other lackeys followed suit. 

"After you," Lucio gestured to Cal.

Saff squeezed Kat's hand and slipped away to calm a furious Vilkas, as Kat followed the two men to their meeting.

The metal door clanged behind the trio as Cal settled into his chair.

"Sit, please." he gestured to the seat in front of him.

Lucio sat. Kat stood awkwardly at the end of the desk, watching the two men.

An uncomfortable silence settled over the room. Kat's stomach twisted. A hundred silly opening questions bubbled, half formed, in her throat. She swallowed all but one of them as the sick feeling of awkwardness weighed heavily on her chest.

"Why are you here?" she looked at Lucio. He stared directly at Cal, ignoring her.
"I invited him." Cal replied instead, looking at her guiltily.

"What?" Kat answered, dumbstruck.

"I didn't think you'd arrive today." Cal narrowed his eyes at the man across from him. Lucio sat quietly observing the room.

"I was in the area." he mumbled, seemingly deep in thought.

He looked at Cal and frowned. Kat stepped in front of him.

"Don't do that." she growled.

"Is this the mind reading thing?" Cal scowled.

"It's not mind reading, I can't hear your thoughts." Lucio replied, bored. It was a question he'd answered often.

"As enjoyably awkward as this is, can we get on with it Kingston?"

"I have no idea what's going on." Kat said bluntly, standing to one side again, arms raised.

Lucio raised an eyebrow at Cal. Kat felt her Alpha's cold fury permeate the room.

"We have invited you here to negotiate an agreement. A war is coming and my mate feels it is best to ask for your assistance." his tone was calm, yet full of authority.

Kat frowned at Cal. He had refused to discuss this with her and then had set up a meeting?

Lucio was silent as he mulled it over.

"It is as I expected." he sighed.

"What does that mean?" Kat frowned at his tone.

Lucio stood and looked at Kat properly, for the first time since they'd entered this room.

"Pain. Purpose. Power. So much power."

Kat growled and shoved him. He stumbled backwards, eyebrows shooting up.

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