"two birds of a feather"

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chapter 7:
two birds of a feather

chapter 7:two birds of a feather

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calum's pov

We laid on the bed, at least six inches away from each other. We were both on our backs, staring straight up at the ceiling. My back had started to ache at least ten minutes ago, but I hadn't said a word. Being in her presence was enough for me, and while we weren't saying much, I was okay with just spending time with her.

"I thought of something else," she said, laughing quietly to herself. We hadn't been in the room together for very long, but the entire time we had been trying to think of things to tell each other about ourselves. She had created a system, wanting us to go back and forth, until we found something we had in common.

So far we had talked about our families, what we got our college degrees in, and what our favorite cereal was. She liked plain Corn Flakes. Tony the Tiger didn't even stand a chance.

"Well?" I asked, smiling as I waited for her to say something.

"My favorite word is quintessential," she said and I couldn't help but to find a joke.

"If it's so important, let's hear it," I joked, and watched as her face turned toward me. She wore an unimpressed look and I let out a laugh, which eventually caused her to start laughing too. "I like that word, too, but it's not my favorite."

"Well, let's hear your favorite, then," she said, waiting for me to continue the conversation.

"Can't I know why it's your favorite word first?" I asked and Emerson shrugged, not seeming to mind to explain to me what she liked about the word.

"It's just a lovely word... in Latin, it's quinta essentia. Think of it like this: physically, the essentials are earth, wind, fire, and water, but to fulfill the fifth, or quint, essential, it's beyond physical. It comes from the soul, sort of... it's of core importance. I think it's... really special." Emerson had looked back up at the ceiling, but I couldn't take my eyes away from the side of her face.

"Epitome," I said, telling her my favorite word. Emerson turned to face me again and her face broke out into a smile. "Our favorite words are kind of synonyms, except you made quintessential sound better than I could make epitome sound."

"Epitome is a synonym for quintessence, so they're all lovely words," she said, closing her eyes as a smile remained on her face. "It's your turn."

"Can I ask a question instead of giving you a fact?" I asked and Emerson nodded, opening her eyes long enough to peek at me. "Describe your typical Friday night, go."

"Are you just trying to find out how lame I am?" Emerson asked, laughing quietly as she brought her hands up to her face. I gently nudged her elbow with mine, wanting her to answer. "That's not even a question, but fine. Every Friday night, unless Cassidy has hoaxed me into meeting a new lonely bachelor, I sit down and plan out my evening alone."

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