"i like the way you think"

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chapter 12:

i like the way you think

It was nearing ten o'clock—Cassidy and Graham had left thirty minutes earlier, leaving Penny, Wesley, Calum and myself behind

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It was nearing ten o'clock—Cassidy and Graham had left thirty minutes earlier, leaving Penny, Wesley, Calum and myself behind. When asking Calum to stay the night, I had completely forgotten about Wesley saying he was hoping for a place to stay, so I hoped it wouldn't be odd.

"Do you plan on sharing the guest room?" I asked Wesley quietly, referring to Penny and himself. Penny and Calum were currently cleaning up the board game while Wesley was helping me with the dishes in the kitchen.

"Oh—actually, I was going to tell you there's been a slight change of plan. Since Pen only lives about thirty minutes away, I think we're just gonna go back to her place." My eyes widened at Wesley's words and he slowly sprouted a bashful grin.

"It's so late—you guys need to get going, if that's the case."

"We wanted to help clean up," Wes told me with a shrug. "Plus, I was afraid you might be upset that I changed my mind."

"I asked Calum to stay the night—I'm not upset at all."

"Emerson Michel!" Wesley whisper-yelled, which caused me to laugh.

"It's not like that," I assured Wesley, even though it made me feel silly—I was a twenty-four year old talking to her twenty-seven year old brother. We shouldn't be acting like it was so scandalous.

"I am happy to get out of your hair, then—even if it's not like that," Wesley told me, clearly not believing my words. "It's not going to be like that with us, either. I've shared a bed with Penelope Nichols at least seven times in my life, so I'm kind of a professional at keeping things tame."

"Maybe do yourself a favor and suck at keeping it tame for once. The two of you would benefit from a little action." Wesley playfully rolled his eyes at me and I started to push him out of the kitchen once we had finished loading the dishwasher. We walked into the living room together to see Penny and Calum on the couch, talking.

"You ready to go, Pen?" Wesley asked, immediately taking Penny's attention away from Calum's

"Yeah, I'm exhausted," she said through a laugh. "Calum and I were just talking about how much we enjoyed tonight, Sonny. We should do stuff like this more often. I can't express how much I adored Graham and Cassidy."

"We just might have to make a habit out of it. Once Wesley gets that job here and moves... we'll be in business." I knew there was no guarantee that Wesley would get the job he interviewed for and I also had no idea what his plan of action would be if he were to be given the offer, but I was enjoying the ability to entertain the possibilities.

"I like the sound of that," Penny said as she pushed herself off the couch and dusted herself off. "Thanks for having us. I know it wasn't planned, but I'm glad we were able to join."

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