I Can't Sleep

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-Hey everyone back with another OneShot!
-I'll try and post as much as I can due to the other stories I have on here, once I start on the series it may take a long time to post but don't worry I will let you all know when I posted a new chapter!!⚠️⚠️
Anyways, for this OneShot Tony has a nightmare and goes down to the garage and tries to distract himself. Being the amazing man, Stephen understands and only stays with him until he's back to normal. 💕
Warning ⚠️ : Fluff 😊💕

Waking up from the sound of a loud bang, Stephen rapidly jumps from the bed and goes to a fight stance getting ready to punch anyone who tries to sneak up on him. Only then realizing he was safe, and home. He also notices with still foggy eyes that he's in his and Tony's bedroom, but not seeing Tony in his side of the bed. Even if it's dark in the room, the brightness of the moonlight helps his eyes adjust in the dark.

Furrowing his brows when he doesn't see Tony anywhere he quickly turns to the doorway when he hears another loud bang and some low curses coming down the hall. Grabbing his T-shirt from the floor and his grey sweats that were thrown near the door, he finally makes his way to the loud commotion. As he walked down the hall where the noise was coming from— and only getting louder every time he gets closer, he turns the corner and stops in his tracks when he sees what exactly is causing all the ruckus. Tony was doing pull-ups and giving small grunts whenever it would start to burn, he had music on but not loud enough to wake up anyone else in the tower.

"Mr. Strange is behind you Boss," Friday's voice comes in and alerts Tony,

Dropping from the bar and turning around he sees Stephen leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed in front of him. Panting heavily and avoiding his hard gaze he makes his way towards his desk and grabs a towel to wipe off the sweat that's dripping down his face and neck.

"Mute," Is all Stephen says and the music instantly shuts off,

Silence fills the room and making everything feel tense and smelling like sweat mixed with Tony. It was something Stephen truly loved, but at the moment he wasn't paying attention to that, he was paying attention to his boyfriend who was quietly wiping down his face.

"How long have you've been up?," Stephen asks,

"Not that long," Tony reply's but still had his back towards Stephen, being to ashamed to meet his eyes and fearing to see disappointment in them,

Sighing loudly and leaning on the door, Stephen is only able to stare at him. He knew why he was awake, he knew he had another nightmare and he knew it was a bad one since he was trying to blow off steam by working out. It actually surprised Stephen that Tony wasn't building suits— it was his thing, bad nightmare plus working equals great distraction, and Stephen fully understands why he does it.

He sees how Tony leans his hands on the table with his head hanging down and hearing him take a heavy breath. From where Stephen was standing he could see how tense Tony's shoulders are, how much weight he must be feeling at the moment, and seeing his back muscles flinching each time he breathes.

"Tony-," Stephen starts to say but gets interrupted by Tony's hard but shaky voice,

"I can't sleep,"

His face was still facing forward and away from Stephens piercing eyes.

"I know, and I won't force you to come back either,"

With that Tony finally turns around and let's his eyes meet his. They were full of trauma, worry, and Stephen also notices how he looks scared to sleep or maybe even to stay awake.

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