Poisned By You (1)

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-This was recommended by @irnstrnge on instagram and couldn't help but make her wish true. It's not the best but I tried to make it the way she wanted it. So I hoped you liked it and I hope the rest of you did as well 💕💕
-"Can someone write me this?? Like an au after the snap where Doctor Strange occasionally helps the Avengers and then Tony started feeling something stranger every time he's around. At first Tony doesn't know what it is (or doesn't accept it) so he let Friday run a test the next time it happened"


Why was he feeling this way? It always starts the same. Shortness of breath, heart escalates to an abnormal speed, feeling shaky, and starts to panic when he can't control whatever it is. At first Tony thought it was his anxiety triggering and coming back to haunt him, but then he started to realize it will only happen when he's around or whenever he makes eye contact. He had a feeling of what was going on, but didn't want to believe it since he didn't want to catch feelings once again and did not want to end up hurt. Again.

So he acted like it wasn't what he thought and pretended it was only his anxiety trying to come back after a while of not being active. That's until one bright sunny day in New York, Tony was in the kitchen preparing himself a third cup of coffee with Peter on the island doing his homework, Drax standing like an idiot on the far corner, The 'Rabbit' as Thor calls him playing cards with the tree out on the balcony and Quill listening to his music while playing fake drums in the air.

He was about to put his cup under the coffee maker when the sound of a chair being pulled makes him look back, which he regrets since he sees Strange sitting near Peter with a very big book in front of him and a half bitten apple on his right hand. He swallows thickly before turning around to his task and tries to ignore the feeling of his cheeks burning up and the familiar feeling in his chest slowly building. But the feeling was only getting stronger and he couldn't beat it. His mug falls loudly on the counter, making Peter and Stephen look up at the same time.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter says with furrowed brows and repeats his name once again when he sees him bolting out of the kitchen,

Stephen notices how Tony places a hand in front of his chest and hears him taking in heavy gasps, his first instinct was getting up from his chair and following him. He was about to turn the corner where Tony had turned when he saw how his whole body being covered by his nanotech and flying up to the sky, leaving smoke behind.

"Stark!" Stephen yells even though Tony isn't able to hear him,

Tony flew away from the compound, flew away from him and trying to control himself as best as he can. He couldn't breathe he felt his heart beating and his chest tightening, making it hard for him to inhale air. Friday had took over the suit and let her boss try and get some air or at least focus on breathing and not flying. After somewhat getting his breathing in order he spoke to Friday through harsh breaths.

"Check the heart, check the —check the- is it the brain?" He asks,

"No sign of cardiac anomaly or unusual brain activity," Friday response in a calm tone,

Tony couldn't help but feel confused and more worried at what could be to cause get like this. He has one thought, Stephen. Deep down he believes the Sorcerer places spells on him or messes with him on purpose, but he also believes he would never do something like that.
Whatever it was Tony was getting pretty tired an annoyed at getting this unknown attack and not knowing why he keeps having them.

"Okay, so I had an anxiety attack?," He says,

Friday hesitates which is something she never does and speaks out, "My diagnosis is that your in love,"

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