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-Back with another OneShot! 💕
I kinda gave up with the ending so I'm sorry if it's crapy 😁
Summary: Tony visits the Sanctum and Stephen, but quickly becomes bored and starts to annoy the Sorcerer... 😉
Enjoy!! 💕💕💕


Stephen was at the Sanctum reading some spells and being to engrossed in his book to notice the other Sorcerer walking in to retrieve his own book off the shelf, only the sound of a familiar cursing voice coming down the hall makes him look up and being met with a bored Tony Stark. He snorts lowly and continues to read his book. Tony however was walking around the Sanctum as he observed each item, the only reason he was even there was because he was waiting for Stephen to finish doing his wizard stuff before heading off to get something to eat. Stephen had told him he'll call once he's done, but Tony was bored at home so he decided to drive to the Sanctum. Little did he know he was going be beyond bored.

Tony walks into the library where both Sorcerers are reading something in the table than decides to observe some books. He went aisle per aisle and would stop whenever he sees something interesting but before he can pull it out of its chain, Wong would be there to slap his hand away. He would roll his eyes at the older Sorcerer and would continue to explore the library, then of course that ended and was back to boredom world all over again. He glances at Stephen and sees how he is still reading and having three more books in his table. With a sigh Tony turns to sit at a nearby couch and pops out his smart phone, he scrolled through some news articles, emails, and would smile to himself when he would listen to Peters voicemails.

After checking almost all of his emails Tony decided to lay on the couch and download any games on his phone that caught his attention. The games kept him occupied but after the first level of Temple Run he got bored. Again. With a huff he locks his phone and places it on his chest as he stares upwards towards the ceiling, he then would hear pages being flipped which made him turn his head. He saw Stephen glaring at a book while silently reading to himself, Wong was behind him doing god knows what with his hands and making weird shapes in the air.

After another long boring hour Wong decides to call it day and leaves the room before saying his farewells to Stephen and Tony who was still laying on the couch while humming an AC/DC song. Tony gives him a piece sign as a farewell and continues to hum the song until he made sure he was out of earshot. He waited for a couple of seconds before getting up from the couch and making his way towards the Sorcerer who was still looking down at a book.

"Please tell me your almost done," Tony says while walking towards the table with his hands behind his back,

Without looking up from his book Stephen replies, "Just need to write some stuff then we can go,"

Tony hums and continues to walk, but instead of sitting in front of the Sorcerer he walks around the table while dragging his index on the table.

"That's what you said, three hours ago," Tony says with a unreadable tone which makes Stephen look up from his book for the first time in a while,

"And I mean it this time, I just need to finish this," Stephen says and goes back to his book,

"No it's fine. I believe you," Tony says and continues to make his way around the table,

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