More than Friends (1)

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-Hey y'all back with another request!!! 💕
This is a High School Au that was requested by @ankitahappy3 and I had so much fun writing this one so hope y'all like it!! 💕💕
Summary: Can you make one that is like High School Au where Steve Bucky and  Stephen all like Tony. Where Steve and Bucky like Tony for his abilities and of course because of his face cause let's face it Young RDJ is a blessing.
But Stephen sees through Tony, he sees the sleepless nights and anxiety. All three of them have a crush on Tony, but Tony likes Stephen better and they get pretty close but Steve and Bucky get jealous try to jeopardize their friendship and they are quite touchy so it makes Tony uncomfortable.
Warning ⚠️: Anxiety, Underage Drinking, Underage Smoking, light smut, comfort, angst, fluff.
Enjoy!! 💕💕



"Anthony," Maria sighs from the doorway as she sees her son sleeping on his desk while having drool falling out of the corner of his mouth, although she couldn't help but smile and slightly chuckle at her son,

She walks in the teens messy room with her heels echoing on the wooden floor and gently shoves him until he starts to stir in his sleep. As he was somewhat waking up, Maria observed the teens work that was spread out on his desk and underneath his arms. Papers with all kinds of equations, shapes, and arrows along with numbers and letters were written on almost every paper. She also saw how there was crumbled paper everywhere on the desk and floor. Maria smiles to herself when she knows he was up all night trying to finish some type of homework or trying to figure out whatever invention he's got going on in the basement. She was always proud of her son, every ace test, every award he achieved she would always congratulate him and give him the biggest hug.

'If only Howard can see it'

She thinks to herself as she observes a perfect sketch of a robotic arm with the name Dum-E written on top of the paper. Maria was always the one to give positive feedback towards Tony, ever since he became inventing things on his own she was always Tony's favorite person to go to whenever he did something proud or exciting. Tony had stopped going to his father when he started noticing his little interest in whatever he showed him, what hurt the most was Tony stopped until the age 15. At first he thought it was because he was always tired from coming home from work, or because he was sick, but then as Tony got older he realized it wasn't either of those excuses. Howard was just losing interest in his own son, and ever since Tony confronted his father one day while having dinner they barely ever spoke to each other. Obviously they still lived in the same household and would see each other, but they would only say good morning— to Maria.

As Tony grew up his emotions towards his father have been getting thinner and thinner. Deep down he knew he still had some love for the man, but he buried those feelings deep into the dark and never expressed them. If his father barely gave him any interest.. then why should he keep trying to impress him? That's all he's ever done, trying to impress him by doing better and getting fascinating grades, but not even the 4.03 GPA was enough for him. So why even try?

"Tony," Maria tries again while moving her sons shoulder a little harder,

"Hmmm," There you go,

"Your gonna be late sweetie," Tony cracks one eye open and with a sleepy vision he stares at his beautiful mother that was looking down at him with a smile,

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