Wanted Love (6)

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-Back with another update!! Sorry it took this long, I was extremely sick a few days ago and I didn't have the strength to write. But I'm back to writing!!!!
So hopefully you like this chapter!! 💕
-Warning ⚠️: Fluff and Violence


As soon as Stephen stepped inside his home he was ambushed by a million questions from Christine, and he calmly answered them as much as he can. Stephen wasn't going to lie when he felt scared, nervous, and guilty about what had happened, but Stephen also didn't regret what had happened between him and Tony and only hoped for more in the future. However, right now at the moment he will come clean to his girlfriend... well soon to be ex-girlfriend and will only hope for the best. To his surprise that's exactly what he got. A surprise. As soon as Stephen revealed everything Christine only stared at him with unreadable eyes and stood quiet, but then she slowly started to smile at the detective and making him more nervous but having somewhat of a relief when he told her the truth.

In all honesty, Christine didn't like how Stephen cheated on her... especially with a man, but she quickly forgave him and all the anger she had, vanished from her veins and was only replaced by happiness and excitement. A small little voice in her head kept telling her things, but Christine would push those thoughts away to not believe them, even though she had been convinced by them a long time ago.

"It's okay," Christine says in a soft tone with a small smile,

Stephen furrowed his brows at her surprising answer and had to do a double take in his mind if she literally said those words, "Sorry?"

"I forgive you Stephen,"

"I-I don't understand..,"

"I knew it," Christine shrugs her shoulders while still having her smile plastered on her face,

Stephen only stares at her with wide eyes but still having the confusion settling on his face, "How did you-,"

"I had my suspicions," Christine says as if it wasn't a problem that she knew her boyfriend was having feelings for a man,

Stephen scoffs in disbelief and not knowing what else to say to her. He runs a hand through his hair and lightly pulls on the locks before looking back at Christines eyes. He couldn't believe he was freaking out about telling the truth to her and then hearing that she has known about it and is not even raging about it, instead she's only calm and accepting his decision.

"It was that obvious?" Stephen asks with a sigh and embarrassingly looks away from her eyes,

"Stephen.. YOU were obvious," That makes the detective look back at her with wide eyes but couldn't help the smile that started to spread on his face,

After apologizing multiple times and telling her to not move out, Stephen was finally able to relax. He wanted to call Tony right there and then to let him know what had happened, but he wanted to give it a day before giving him the good news. So when the next day appeared and Stephen woke up from his sleep, he immediately called Tony and explained everything to him. When Tony heard Stephens story he felt his whole chest warming up and having relief that Christine wasn't against them and wasn't against Tony for taking her man.

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