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- Hey back with another OneShot!! 💕🎉
From the FanArt and the title I'm pretty sure you all know what it's about, so I'll let you get started on reading 😉💕💕


"I honestly don't know how you seriously fit your head into that helmet?!," Stephen yells while walking away from the mechanic,

"Well the size can surprise you," Tony replies back while following the angry Sorcerer,

The reason why they are arguing was because Tony had launched a missile that had flew past Stephen, again, and not even bothering to give him a heads up. Then later roughly pushing him away from a flying arrow, causing Stephen to land hard against a couple of bricks on the floor and being convinced he had a broken rib. Whenever they fought side by side, they both end up getting hurt badly and then later arguing about who's fault it was for their injury.

There would be times where it would last for days, weeks, and if their lucky it would sometimes last for the rest of the month. The rest of the Avengers were already getting sick and tired of their fights that it got to the point where they would all vanish in an instant when they would hear both stubborn men making their way into the compound and arguing once again. Even the cloak of levitation would get fed up of their fighting that it would unhook itself from its master and would levitate itself someplace more quieter and more peaceful. That's until it had an idea popped into its imaginary brain as soon as it heard its master and the metal man starting to argue.

The whole way back to the compound both Strange and Stark were arguing and blaming each other for their injuries or something about one not following their plan and making their own decision. Bruce quickly thought about leaving their argument and sat by Sam who had an annoyed face and was looking straight ahead. Natasha kept debating about stunning both men to keep them quiet at least for a couple of minutes, but was being stopped by her calm side.

Quill didn't even know they were arguing since he was listening to his IPod, Rocket was too busy cleaning his gun to care, and Clint was completely ignoring them by paying attention on fly the bird. Drax however, was enjoying both men screaming at each other and laughing historically with Mantis by his side and looking at both men with a scared face. Deep down she never knew one man can have so much annoyance and... love towards another man. But she never told them, not even to the rest of her team.

"Your the most brainless person when it comes to war," Stephen yells as he walks in the compound and heading straight towards his room,

"Oh really?! Then who had the idea to push you away from a flying arrow?," Tony yells back making Stephen turn around with tightly knitted brows and looking at him with a sarcastic smile,

"Someone who doesn't think about the consequences of the person getting hurt. Still."

Tony breathes heavily through his nose, "Are you alive?,"

Stephen looks at him confused but then goes back to his angry, serious face when he knows where Tony is taking this.

"Are you breathing? Yeah? Then your welcome," Stephen looks at him hard in the eyes and clenching his jaw, along with his hands that are shaking more than usual,

Never in his whole life did Stephen have the biggest urge to punch someone, especially Tony. Yes, there are times where he would like to strangle him in his sleep but never has he ever thought about hurting him this much. This wasn't him and he knew it, he cared for him and... maybe even liked him, but never paid attention to those feelings towards him. Stephen always made sure he was okay, healthy, alive and safe, which he never told anyone since they all believe he has no emotion towards anybody and deep down he liked to keep it that way.

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