After Party

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-Hey back with another OneShot!! Sorry it took long school has been crazy and I've been having basketball practice so I may take long to update.
But STAY for more!! ⚠️⚠️
Also thank you So MUCH for the likes you are all leaving!! 💕🤧 Makes me more motivated to write!! So keep it up💕💕🥰
Warning ⚠️: Smut
Summary: The Avengers are celebrating and Stephen spots Tony alone in his second floor, what's better than to accompany him and making him feel better?


Everyone was having an amazing time. Drinking, talking, and playing poker.  Everyone was celebrating the death of Thanos and celebrating their victory for saving the universe, and Tony couldn't be more relieved to see smiles on everyone's faces. He was on the rail looking out towards everyone on the floor with a glass of Whiskey in his hands, usually it would be empty but this time he was taking his time on drinking it. He would swirl the glass and see how the ice would spin with the brown liquid and would get lost in his own thoughts.

After loosing everyone back on Titan, he officially had given up and lost faith. He would never be able to shake the thought of Peter slowly vanishing from his arms or seeing the Sorcerer disappearing from where he was sitting down. Not even drinking would help shake away those moments, deep down Tony knew he had finally cracked and will never be the same. The sound of people cheering and a champagne being popped made him look up from his glass, he smiles when he sees Steve serving everyone's glass with a smile. Even after everything that had happened between them Tony forgave him, even if some days were still a bit tense between them.

Tony takes a sip of his whiskey before looking back down at his glass. Before he had excused himself to come up the stairs, he was hanging around with his teammates and having a fun time with them. He even played a drinking game with Rabbit? No it's Rocket, Tony thinks to himself. He played one game with Rocket before excusing himself to go the restroom, after doing so he stayed on the second floor as he observed everyone in his home.

"Is there a reason why your hiding up here?" That deep voice is filled in the air making Tony smile down at his glass before looking to see the Sorcerer leaning on the rail with his arms crossed,

"I can see things more clearly from up here," Tony replies and looks back down at the people he now calls family and feeling relieved everyone is alive and breathing,

Stephen stands closer to him as he too observes everyone in the home in silence. He let his hands rest inside his pocket of his white cream slacks and stares out towards the rail, he then would feel Tony take small glances at him and couldn't help but let out a secretive smirk.

"I see your wearing my gift, your welcome by the way," Tony says while taking another sip of his drink,

Stephen snorts at the mechanic before speaking once again, "Yeah well it was either this or a dirty tunic, so consider yourself lucky,"

Tony smirks and looks back down at the party and let's out a deep sigh, not noticing how the Sorcerer kept his gaze on him like a hawk stalking its prey. Stephen knew why Tony was up in the dark, he knew he had a small panic attack and couldn't help but feel sorry. Even if Tony hates it when people try to confront him about it Stephen knows when to back off and let him have his space, but if it's a panic attack during an event like now, then Stephen knows he had an attack for a reason. As the shorter man leaned his forearms on the rail to look out, Stephen observers him quietly and studies him. He notices how every once in a while Tony would take a sip from his drink, scratch at his temple, flex his hands in a nervous way and taking in slow breaths. Every move he would make Stephen would be there to observe. Not in a creepy way of course.

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