Poisoned By You (2)

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- Here's part 2!! Hope you enjoyed reading just as much as I enjoyed writing it and making @irnstrnge story true! 💕
-Stay tuned for more OneShots!! ⚠️⚠️


When Tony wakes up he instantly feels his muscles sore and head slightly pounding. He gets up from the small bed slowly when his rib cage sends pain through his body and goes in a sitting position when he manages to sit up. He lets his hand touch his head where it was painfully pounding and gently massages it, he then looks around the room and sees he is in the small medical room in the Avengers compound. The sound of a door opening makes him turn around, only to see Bruce walking in with a chart in his hands and with a shocked face but quickly lets a smile appear.

When Stephen and Tony stepped inside the portal, the last thing he remembers was Bruce running towards them before everything went black. So it would sort of explain why he was in the clinic area and having his arm in a sling and having his right side wrapped with bandages.

"How are you feeling Tony?" Bruce asks as he checks on his bandages and makes sure his arm is protected by the sling,

"Like a million bucks," He replies earning a snort from the scientists,

"Alright, I'll come back with some pain killers before letting you off," Bruce says and walks away and disappearing through the doors,

As soon as he is out of earshot Tony let's out a long sigh and wincing when it send pain up his shoulder and right side of his body. With his free arm he clutches his side, careful to not hurt himself and lets his head hang back as he tries to ignore the pain. As he was focusing on his breathing the sound of a deep voice makes him turn his head and opening one eye to see the man he is falling for standing in the doorway.

"How's the pain?" Stephen asks while leaning on the door and having his arms crossed in front of him,

"Ehh.. couple pills should wear it off,"

Stephen slowly peels away from the door frame and walks towards Tony who was still sitting on the bed. Once close to him he places his hand on his shoulder and seeing how Tony looks from his hand to his eyes, and looking confused with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Tony then moves his arm up and down without wincing and smiling at Stephen when he doesn't feel any pain.

"I hope you didn't curse me or anything" Tony says while waving his left hand in the air,

Stephen sits on a chair near the bed with a loud sigh, "Just a small spell, it should wear off in a couple of minutes so you should still take the pills after if I were you," He replies, ignoring Tony's comment,

They sit in uncomfortable silence and Tony feels his heart beating for being close to the Sorcerer and couldn't help but take little glances at the man. He would see how Stephen would look at his hands, clenching them and unclenching then until he would intertwine them together. Then of course he would get caught staring and would look away with a blush on his face and making Stephen smirk.

"So what triggered it?" Stephen asks while leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms,


Stephen stares at him with a small smile playing at his lips, making Tony have those feelings in his chest again.

"I know an anxiety attack when I see one," Stephen says and makes Tony look down at his lap, "So what triggered it?"

"A bad meeting? Nightmare?" Stephen asks with a strong tone,

Hesitating to say the words that are desperately trying to escape, Tony finally says it in a small whisper, "You,"

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