Entry 1: Hi I'm Juce

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Since this is my first entry I'm going to use this as a platform for the readers to get to know me a bit. I'm a 20 year old male from Virginia. I was raised by a single mother; she's the best I swear. I grew up in different environments, some were really good and some were really bad. I never had many friends and honestly I'm okay with that. Even now I can count on one hand how many people I can call my friend and even then are your friends even your friends? I'm currently single and not really satisfied with that but oh well. I work full time for a Medical transport company, driving around sick people to their doctor appointments in an ambulance. I have aspirations of being a great wrestler one day but recent heart problems set me back but soon I'll be back on the right path. I guess it doesn't need to be said but I love professional wrestling it's my first love. My second love is my ex Ann, we'll talk about her later on. I have one love interest in my story, she's great... And by "love interest" I mean I'm interested and I'd love for her to give me a shot; her and I is a complicated and weird story. Lol anyway if you've read this much then I already love you. Stay tuned.

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