Entry 9: Love & Lust

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Lust: Strong Sexual desire.
I know I'm not in love with the kid because of the impurities in my mind. I don't think about making you smile, I think about making you cum which I guess can be one in the same right? But date night isn't what I envision but late nights nonetheless. Thinking back on times we spent together is like rewatching the same porno in my head; those times of kissing your neck and your thighs. Memories of your warmth overtake memories of your smile and that's lust. My strong desire to see you naked once again is clouding my judgement. Remembering your taste and scent has done something to me.

Love: An intense feeling of affection for something or someone.
Now I won't jump to extremes because I barely know you but what I know for sure is that I wanna see smile for ever. I know I need your energy in my life. I yearn for someone who can match my enthusiasm in the small things. I know although I've never had the urge to dance I still wanna go back in time and take you to prom. Country music is definitely not my thing but I'll gladly take you to go see Jason Aldean. I'll even where my cowboy hat lol. Ice skating sounds slightly intimidating but I'm definitely interested if you are. Let's go see the fish at the aquarium or go to an art museum so I can show the critics that you're the best art piece in the room. You're perfection in a human vessel. So beautiful and so unattainable.

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