Entry 12: Lol maybe I am Crazy

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Maybe I'm going crazy. Maybe I've already lost touch with reality... and maybe I don't give a single fuck. Maybe I'm obsessive... shouldn't I be? It's my life right? Some days I overthink while others days I can't hear my own thoughts. If I told you I thought that I was completely sane I'd be lying because truth is I have my doubts. I have dreams that stick with me and voices that won't leave me alone. My own thoughts bother me, my actions do the same. So is this even my life anymore? Who's in control? Maybe it's God, or the aliens or the government or maybe I'm just a pathetic piece of shit who struggles with accepting responsibility for my own actions and thoughts? Maybe my pain and anxiety is self inflicted. Maybe I use my mental stability as an excuse to the dumb shit I do. Like ruining good relationships in my life.... Well in all fairness I do warn people. I tell new people in my life that I'm crazy but my craziness is normal crazy so it's all good lol.

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