Entry 6: Do you really love her? Hmm

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Yo I'm so tired of seeing you clown ass dudes introducing and condoning bad habits for your girl. If you wanna do stupid shit to yourself and in your free time that's excellent, more power to you bro but don't offer your dirty shit to your girl and don't even bring your bad habits around her. If you wanna kill your self by smoking disgusting cigarettes that's cool but don't light a cancer stick around people you claim to love. You can't look someone in the face and tell them you love them and then continue to pollute their body.
Fellas that do drugs... that ain't no problem, do you bro but if you offer your girl anything outside of weed you're a slime ball piece of shit. You can't say shit like I love you to a person and be okay with asking them to try all of these crazy drugs.

Now don't get me wrong here by no means am I saying you should clock her moves because she's still a grown ass woman so if she tries something on her own so be it. I can't even imagine what my ex may have tried and I hate that but I'm not her father, I'll always be vocal and let my girl know if I don't agree with something but that's about it. I don't think men understand just how much our girls worry about us just during our everyday routine I feel it's right that we return that energy when we can.

Me personally I don't really have any bad habits like doing drugs or smoking but I am a reckless driver until my girl gets into the car. I go from weaving in and out of traffic and doing damn near 90 mph to driving like a sane person because I'm not gonna put my girl in any unnecessary danger. I'm not going to be responsible for her death or any bodily harm because I couldn't refrain from being a jackass fuck that.
If I go out with my girl and we're drinking I'm not matching her or trying to even keep up. I'm not gonna be more fucked up than she is. She wanna have fun that's cool have fun babe but I'm gonna make sure you're good.

Be responsible guys.

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