Entry 19: NSFW*

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My thoughts belong in an NSFW category, mostly because I'm undressing you in my head, defiling your body while simultaneously worshipping your temple. On my knees at the base of your shrine either praying for your mercy or indulging in your fruit. I lay flat on the ground, allowing you to dictate the reason. Am I the place holder for the ground you walk on or should I be your seat?

Art Galleries*
My thoughts of you are pure, biblical verses or art gallery pieces. An exposé. Your beauty is a Jackson Pollock painting personified; unexplainable but gorgeous nonetheless. You are the unicorns and dragons we dreamt of as children or the millions of dollars and happiness we dream of as adult. My mind sets us in an empty ballroom dancing the Viennese Waltz, you in the most elegant red gown both sexy and classy. We dance. When you move I move.

The Journal Of The Nameless And Facelessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن