Entry 13: Girl I See II

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"I think you need to let Elizabeth go"

That's a funny quote, it's what I was told yesterday. It's funny for two reasons; 1. I already let her go I had no choice in that aspect.... 2. I don't recall asking for anyone's opinion.

For starters nobody understands this shit. This isn't some random fling I walked into, this isn't a normal girl under normal circumstances. There's so much unexplainable shit attached to this. Shit that nobody on the outside could possibly understand. Truth be told I hope nobody has to understand because the toll this shit has taken on my sanity is astronomical. I want to blame this shit on anything to just make it sound more normal in my own head. Is this God's doing? Was the stars not aligned correctly or  was the universe just out of wack? Maybe I'm just crazy, maybe I just imagined all of this... well that's impossible because I told people about my dreams. But how can someone dream of a person they've never seen before then meet that same exact person and just shrug it off?

There's too many important factors to ignore. Too many signs to just be "coincidence". From my dreams to the way we met was really odd, my job normally has no dealings with that company... then now to the fact that we deal with them on a regular now, this shit is all too odd to not add up to one common goal.

The only thing I know for sure is unless you can definitely understand this shit because you've experienced something weird like this then your opinion is not wanted. So please stop. You don't get it. You don't have the answer. You don't understand. So how in the fuck can you fathom in your head that you have any right to suggest anything or share you opinion? Very vain of you sweetheart.

Elizabeth if you're reading this, I'm sorry lol. This shit is weird and freaky and won't get the fuck out of my head. This probably won't be the last entry on this subject.

Or... I'm just bat shit crazy. Possible.

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