Entry 5: Where The White Women At?

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Someone mentioned her name and it was like throwing salt on a wound. My wound. I liked her wayyyy more than I would have liked but ehh it is what it is right? Whatever the fuck that even means. Unlike the immediate attraction I had to Dimples it took months for my attraction to grow for the white girl (technically I got permission to use her name but I'll refrain this time. I still remember the first time we met. I never even knew you worked there but you seemed cool and I did notice that you were kinda cute. I also remember the creep I worked with and his comments.
Anyway fast forward to when we started working together I personally think we hit it off immediately. You were like a mirror image of me, from your corny ass sense of humor and your dark side to your openness to talk to me. It didn't take long for us to discuss some pretty deep shit that will remain between us. I will never forget the support you gave me while I dealt with Ann's bullshit so thank you for that.
Now I must admit I was a piece of shit because when I said fuck it and decided I'd hit on you I knew you had boyfriend and I really didn't care.... then I realized how shitty of a person he is and honestly I couldn't have cared less because you deserved better and well quite frankly I'm the best. We didn't flirt a lot while y'all were together but applaud you for not acting on any sexual tension between us until y'all were officially over. Initially I just wanted to be friends with benefits but after a little while of hanging out after work and me coming over before work I did start to allow my mind to contemplate other possible scenarios where we're more than friends. I saw potential there but I was never 100% sold on the idea because of conflicts within myself.

"People it's okay to be bitter sometimes" -CM Punk

Yo why in the flying fuck would a female return to a disgusting disrespectful slime ball piece of shit waste of space fuck over a clearly superior being like myself will always confuse the fuck out of me... Anyway she chose that nasty fuck over me and I mean that was dumb but oh well her L to hold. I tried remaining her friend but she actually cut me off lol. She didn't like that I talked shit about him even though she's said way worse. I hope she's doing well. And I thank her for allowing me to get my little interracial experience out of the way... Never again... unless it's DORTHY MARTIN!!!!!, Iggy, Scarlett Johansson or Jennifer Garner sexy MILF ass.

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