Entry 21: Dopification

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My dope is undeniable and that's what brought out your insecurities. Sorry you couldn't handle me but that's a personal problem. I told you from the jump I'm still that inexcusable, impeccable, cocky piece of shit soul the legends told you about. I saw it in your eyes... you remember... that moment we made eye contact for the first time. In that split second I saw it all; you had never seen a sexier soul, now that's not to say beautiful ones haven't passed but you peeked through the windows of Pandora's box or up Jacob's ladder mentioned in Genesis. Your soul locked eyes with perfect peace, nothing Gandhi could even fathom. And to be completely honest and transparent I'm sorry. My better judgement left because in that moment I thought maybe you could handle magic so pure... I was wrong and you ran. That's on me. I'll ease it on whom ever may be next.

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