Entry 3: Happiness IS NOT Taboo

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Happiness is one of the strongest drugs you can get hooked on, it's almost as strong as Love. What people don't understand is happiness shouldn't be taboo. People will make you feel bad about what makes you happy, I feel as long as what makes you happy isn't harming you or any 3rd party members why should it be a problem? People will bash you over anything it doesn't matter if it's as simple as who you're in Love with or what religion you practice or even the more complex shit like what genre of music you prefer and if you like pineapple in pizza (I personally believe it's an abomination lol and it's not even 'Hawaiian' it was created by a German born Canadian immigrant lol)... Anyway the purpose of  this is to say if someone or something makes you happy stick with it. Writing makes me happy and gives me peace of mind. Even if I'm the only one that enjoys it I'm gonna continue with it.

Love directly correlates with happiness.

Find love. In a person with mutual feelings or in anything really, but when you finally find love and it's good to you learn how to spread it. Share your love and happiness with others. We love our friends right? So why don't we tell them so? Love IS NOT taboo! Learn the difference between loving and being in love.

Peace directly correlates with happiness.

Peace is hard to obtain and it takes so much self control. Don't let people get to you and try to stay open minded. Confrontation starts when we close our minds to change and the possibility of being wrong. Hear people out, learn to listen and to discuss without arguing. Everyone wants to be right but that's literally not possible. Try finding mutual ground with people you have a hard time getting along with. Once you find peace within your personal world you'll find easier to Love and to be happy.

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