Entry 22: The Boogeyman & Bloody Mary

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As children we feared the boogeyman or the toilet monster or the things under our twin sized beds. We needed night lights and secret sayings to keep them away, or maybe the comfort of mommy & daddy checking the closet and tucking us in. No matter what you did every night to keep the monsters at bay it worked right? Now we sleep in the pitch black and pee without checking the shower first. But did our monsters really leave? Are our demons actually gone? Or did change faces and become the realistic scary shit in our adulthood? Maybe they became our anxiety and depression or dark allies on alcohol filled nights. Maybe they run the government we abide by and look to protect us. Maybe we are our demons. How do we run? Is there a safe haven or a blanket of  protection like moms love? Where's our nightlights when we have adult nightmares? Fuck the boogeymen and Bloody Marys of the world. Fear only holds the power you give it.

Please don't feed the fears.

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