Entry 2: Gorgeous Girl I See In My Dreams

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Dear beautiful black woman, we've met before but you kinda wasn't there... but I'll explain. We locked eyes first before locking lips later. I know this sounds weird but I swear it happened. I dreamt of you on two separate occasions weeks before we ever met. One dream took place outside of a gas station the other took place in a hotel. I remember the dreams as if they were actually memories and not fantasy.
In the dream just like reality it was the dimples that caught my eye, then that stunning smile had me hooked!! I needed no more convincing. Then you opened your mouth to speak and mixture of brilliance and maturity rushed out.

A lovely mind, gorgeous eyes, & beautiful thighs.
I need.

I asked about your goals and saw just how ambitious you are and that's very sexy & grown of you.

Dr. Dimples may I schedule an appointment with you please. I need your attention, your very existence is stronger than Fentanyl to a cokehead. MJ sang about you, said you were dangerous. Bell Biv DeVoe said that you was Poison.

"Sugar how you get so fly?"

You are a lovey distraction, beautiful chaos in its most magnificent form.

**yikes I got carried away for a second**

Anyway we met by coincidence, I saw you and had to look again because it was hard to believe I saw a face matching the woman in my dream. Impossible right? A complete stranger who's face was so familiar. From the dimples to the hair, to the skin. Perfect match. That's weird right? I can't be the only person slightly creeped out... Anyway asking you out was amazing for me, I'd never been so nervous before. I can still see the flowers I bought you... mostly because they reminded me of a funeral bouquet and I really tried for hours to find you tulips, But you seemed to have like them. We got ice cream like it was an adorable movie from the 80's, it was adorable and I loved it. I remember you got sprinkles on yours and I got some kind of pumpkin flavor... it was weird. Honestly I was more into the conversation than the ice cream, that's why most of it melted lol. We only talked for an hour but I could have listened to you forever. We discussed our families, aspirations, school, etc. It was really nice to be on a date under normal circumstances. Two people passing by each other in their everyday routine, exchanging numbers, and planning a date. No DMs were slid into. I only wish I had the words and the time to explain my dreams to you, maybe you would've understood. Maybe you'll read this. Maybe you won't even care. Maybe I'll continue to dream of you. I don't know the answers to those but I do know The world keeps spinning.

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