Entry 11: AnXieTY

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I'm in fresh and still I can't breath. My lungs are full and I'm drowning in my anxiety. Gasping for the little bit of breath I have left, feeling my chest tightening around my lungs and my heart. Restricted to strong, quick pants and confusion. Where am I? What am I doing? Don't touch me... Shh I can't hear my thoughts. Don't scream over the voices in my head, you can't compete with them. This feeling it's crippling.

I took my meds.. 10 mg of Lexapro but the idea of see you again is overwhelming. The idea of hearing your voice speak words I don't want to hear is stressing me out. My own confusion is pissing me. I apologize to you anything and everything and I apologize to myself for apologizing to you. Just hear me out you'll understand..... or you probably won't but at least I could say I tried right?

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