1. Wolves

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1. Wolves

I ride through the night, holding tightly onto the one I care most for. The fur under me is soft and warm; for it is Jacob, well in wolf form. I listen to the wisps of air between his fur as we move faster and its quiet soothing. Everything is great right now; until I hear the low growls behind us. Jacob comes to a halt and I grab his fur tighter. When he turns three massive wolves stand tall. I can tell one of them is Sam, but I'm not sure about the others. I rise myself up from Jacob as soon as I get a good grip and wait for the snarling to begin...

"You really shouldn't let Sam get the best of you." Jacob's back into his human form after Sam had told him it was inappropriate to give rides to people. I think Sam is being harsh; doesn't he know we're just goofing around?

"It's fine." Jacob says in a huff. I sigh and then lie back into the sodden grass we sit on. It reminds me of when Edward and I had first met; when we were in the meadow. I shake my head and try real hard to get that memory of hatred out of me and it works. I look up at the stars; there isn't many out right now, it's too foggy.

"When do you go back to your mom's?" Jake asks me. I use my elbows to prop myself up and then speak.

"In two weeks, but I've been telling her I want to stay here." my mother found out about all the killings and murders around town and thought it would be safer if I lived with her and Phil in Florida. I think the total opposite; Victoria and Laurent are still out there ready to kill me and if I'm not in close range of someone to help me I'll be dead in seconds. But of course I can't tell my mother that, it'll freak her out even more. Jake nods his head and then stands up.

"Better get you to bed, it's getting late out." I stand up as well and Jake and I walk back to my house. Once we get there I watch through the window as Charlie paces back and forth. I hurry over to the door and open it up. His eyes meet mine immediately and he lets out his breath.

"Isabella I didn't know where you were!" you know when he's mad when he says my full name... I try to be calm and tell him but his eyes are so angry; I can't speak!

"I just took her out for some fresh air. No worries." Jacob says coming up from behind me. Charlie nods his head and then looks back at me.

"I've heard that one before..." I know he's talking about Edward but I dust it off. Jacob and I just stare back at Charlie and soon he leaves.

"Goodnight...Bella..." Jacob hesitates because he knows he isn't leaving quite so soon. Usually Jacob comes in through my bedroom window and we talk a bit more before I fall asleep. It's kind of weird to do that I guess-since Edward did it all the time-but I don't care. I nod my head and then shove Jacob out the door giving him a snide smile before closing it. I walk over to Charlie whose watching football on the new TV he just bought.

"Dad, you really should be going to bed as well...it's late out." I say repeating Jacob's words. He nods and then turns the TV off and we walk upstairs together. He gives me a hug before entering his room and closing the door. I then make a left to my bedroom and slowly open the door. Standing only a couple feet away is Jacob. I almost scream but instead just push him back. He falls onto the bed laughing quietly while I close the door and lean up against it.

"Very funny Jake!" I say sarcastically. He sits up on the bed and watches me as I come over and sit down next to him.

"I wish my mom would listen to me and understand I'm not in danger...we'll not now..." I linger off since I am being chased my bloodraged vampires. Jacob nods and then looks back out the window. I hear low unsteady howls coming from the forest; they seem close. He turns back to me with a funny look on his face.

"They think me being in here with you is a bad idea." he says with a laugh. I grin back and then walk over to the window and look out. I see nothing but the dark woods; which Edward would always hunt in. Bella stop it! I have to stop thinking about Edward! He is gone; out of my life forever! He even said that I'd never see him again! I prop my elbows on the window sill and hide my face in my hands. I can't forget Edward he's the one I loved so much, the one who left me to defend for myself, the one who loved me enough to leave! I feel Jake's hand on my shoulder and so I turn; exposing my tired face to his. He only stands abouttwo feetaway from my body but I really don't mind.

"What's wrong?" his voice makes me feel better; like I'm not alone. I lean my head into his chest and listen to the ignition of howls. I giggle a little and then speak.

"It's nothing you'd want to hear." I say truly because knowing Jake he's not one of the vampire stuff.

"It's about...those bloodsuckers isn't it?" I nod slowly and his arms wrap around my back. The howls go off again and then suddenly stop; most likely Jake telling them not to blow the moment. It's quiet for a moment before I hear him. Edward! I leap out of Jake's arms and look around my room. No sign of any vampire. It must have been my pure imagination...

"I don't wanna know what that was about; do I?" Jake asks me. I smile and then lightly hit himin the arm.

"Eleven at night and you seem well awake." he says sarcastically. Jacob swings me up and plops me back down on my bed. He turns off the lights and then returns to the window.

"Have sweet dreams." and he falls back onto the ground. The howling only begins then and soon so do my dreams... Edward and I run through the forest hand in hand; loving each other until Jacob comes upon us not letting us pass. He's in wolf form-of course-and so any movements mean death. I look into the black eyes of the furry mutt and wish he would just move. But he doesn't. Edward doesn't speak yet stare at him and I know they are sharing thoughts. I step forward and watch as Jake's eyes grow huge and Edward comes out of the daze. All in an instant I'm pushed from the scene and hit against a tree. I groan in pain and watch as Edward and Jacob battle it off. I scream for them to stop but nothing works; it's like I'm invisible, left here to die...

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