5. Don't convict me of murder

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5. Don't convict me of murder

Waking up is as idle as ever. I lie in bed for over an hour thinking about everything in whiched i had just drempt. Edward's smile, the kiss, my forgetting, his leaving... everything is still so vivid and fresh in my mind; as if it happened just a minute ago. Suddenly all the thoughts dissapear along with the memory of the dream....everything obliterated from my mind. I discreet out of bed and head downstairs. Charlie is already making breakfast but i'm not hungry for human food...

"Hey Bells." Charlie says in his usual fickle tone. I walk over to him and give him a hug; which may have hurt him a bit, but he doesnt say anything.

"Hey dad what you cooking?" I ask trying to sound interested; though I'm not. He looks back at the pan with an engrossed stare and I nudge him a bit.

"Eggs." he apprehensively stutters out. I nod and try not to make any besotted moves. Once he finishes flipping-and missing- there is a plate full of scrambled eggs waiting for the both of us on the kitchen table. I sit down but dont take any.

"What's wrong, I thought you loved eggs?" Charlie adds sitting down as well and tossing a ton onto his plate. I shrug and then lean back into my chair. Today is just not my morning is it. First i have a nightmare, then I get another craving for blood, now I have to refuse my father's food...what else could possibly go wrong?                   

After breakfast I adjust my bandage again on my arm and look at the slashes which cover it. The deep red makes me envy my craving even more, so I turn away. Why does this have to be so hard? Maybe it's because I dont live with any vampires; only my human father? I've been debating wether I should leave forks and visit some of the other covens or not. I think it's a good idea to a point... I cover my bandage back up with a new one and change.It's quiet for sometime before I hear the rapid knock on the front door. I fling out and look down the stairs in muse secrecy. Standing in the doorway is one of Charlie's friends who works with him in the force.

"Hey...Steve!" Charlie shouts excitedly. Steve gives a huge broad smile and then takes a step inside.

"Charlie I may sound rude but i need to tell you something..." Steve's voice has been brought down from a banter mood to a rhetorical mood. Charlie nods and crosses his arms across his chest.

"The station...has been working on the case of who robbed and killed the workers...of the grocery store downtown." That's the store in which I was biten by Laurent! Maybe they have this all on tape and caught him. But then again he is a vampire... "We think we may know who has done it all..."

"Well who?" Charlies eager voice is back into the conversation.

"Your daughter; Bella." Steve says like i have such an infamy of crimes. It's quiet for sometime before Charlie blows up and starts yelling.

"Bella would never do a thing like that! How would you even think that?"

"We caught a tape of her entering the store before all the camera's inside were shut down and dislodged." I gasp-a bit too loudly-becasue Charlie and Steve both look up at me. I step back right when Charlie calls me. I hide my arm in my side and slowly walk down. Steve gives me a death stare and i can't help but look away. When i get to the bottom I walk over to Charlie and stand tall; since i did nothing! Steve adjusts and then speaks in a firm vocie.

"I dont want to think it was you; but all the evidence show-"

"What else do you have as evidence?" I interrupt rudely looking at him now. He digs in his pocket and pulls out a little page of ripped paper.

"This! It's a grocery list having your name at the top." I tilt my head and try to see if he's serious; which he is.

"I did nothing; I swear!" I fret through my teeth. Charlie nods but Steve stands a clear ground. His eyes meet mine and he looks bewildered, soon he looks down and stops at my arm.

"What's that?" I look down and notice the bandage not fully covered. My eyes go wide as I try to lie.

"It's nothing, I just...got a paper cut." dang it that was the worst lie EVER. I dont even know if i can come back from that one. Steve reaches for my arm and I moves back quickly; since I kind of had a feeling he would do such a thing.

"Bella show him it's nothing." Charlie says pushing me forward. I falter too much and so soon Charlie just yanks a hold of my arm. I would fight him off; but that's not what the human Bella would be capable of. He rolls up my sleeve a bit and then takes the bandage off revealing the red slashes. Charlie is going to kill me-though i already am; a bit-and Steve is going to absolutely think i did that crime! I knew this day was going to be a bad one; but not this bad!

"Bella what happened!" Charlie's voice is raised and most definitaly solemn so I try to lie again.

"I-I...fell...out-outside when I was...Jake!" I yell the last word hoping he'll hear and come to help prove my lie. "Just ask him it's true." and before I can even think about what i said Jacob comes running through the house door.

"Bella I heard you; what's going o-on..." he looks down at my arm and then back up at Charlie and Steve.

"Jake....tell them this was just from outside when we ran!" his expression is weird; like confused but soon he gets it.

"It was, Bella trippd' over a log and skiddd' her arm right along the rocks." Jacob is a good liar...most of the times. Steve looked at Charlie and then back at me.

"Bella i want to believe you but all the evidence points to you; no one else. I'll have to take you in." my eyes go scared, more than scared; terrified! I wasnt the murderer I was the victim! But i know i can't tell them i was attacked there, it would make no sense! Before even thinking I race back up the stairs and lock myself in my room.

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