14. Our meadow

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Me; pregnant? I didnt think I would ever hear myself say the word. The rigorous word...pregnant. I fix my eyes on Edward's and quiver silently hoping my actions will give it all away. I dont want to tell him I'm pregnant! He'll blow up right in my face...in Jacob's face. Jacob! I have to tell Jacob! He is the father and needs to know. I bite my lower lip as I come slowly back into reality.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Edward demands gripping my arm. No I cant tell him what's going on! I just can't! With one quick movement I glide around his grip and out the front door. I have to talk to Alice. She's the only one which will understand. I run as fast as my legs can go before I feel the fatigue filling in. I slow to a steady walk and urge myself on further. Finally after minutes of agonizing malarkey I get to the meadow in which they were before. I find Esme, Rosalie, Carlisle, Emmet, Jasper, and Alice all still surrounding the fire. I race up to them right when I notice something out of the corner of my eye. The Volturi. They glide steadily over the grass and over to the burning fire. Jane stands a far distance away from the others; Felix, Alec and Demetri, who keep their eyes locked on mine. I swallow back everything and stand beside Alice and Emmet who now look back at me as well. No one says a word and finally Jane speaks.

"I've never seen a coven escape such a...large fight." her voice locks right into my head and all I can think about is all those dead innocent newborns. They couldnt help what they were turned into. They couldnt do anything to be saved, they were forced into the life they had.

"We were very lucky." Carlisle says not leaving eyes with Felix; the one who possesses no know talent what so ever. I kind of feel bad for him. Living so many years and not being able to do anything other than fight like a regular vampire. But then I remember Emmet and Rosalie have been living without any special talent for a while as well and they seem well put together.

"I doubt that." Jane's voice comes back into my hearing. She's so unbridled and mused for her age. It's quite weird actually.

"You have her." Alec -Jane's twin brother- says quietly. Everyone's heads turn my way and I bite my lip. Now I really shouldnt be here. "Who changed her?" he asks again. I gulp loudly and then answer myself.

"Laurent." Is all I say for Jane's lips to curve into an dissent smile. It's quiet for a moment and so it actually frightened me when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Edward. I dont even have to look back to know it's him.

"I knew him. He was so kind to others; so warned around you and Edward. But just one little thing I heard...it might not be true, but I have to ask." Jane says sullen and solemnly. "Isn't he half mortal as well?" my eyes go large as I dont know what to say. Should I lie or tell her the whole truth? I dont know if we're trying to play off the Volturi or not? I look up slowly to Edward's faltering face and mouth the words 'What do I say'. He surprisingly gets it and speaks up for me.

"No he's full." Jane nods slowly trying to process everything through and I think she's actually believing him!

I look toward Alec though and his face shows dis-belief and confusion.

"What is it brother?" Jane asks facing him. His eyes only meet hers for a second and then back to mine.

"Nothing." Is all Alec says before I feel another kick in my stomach. I hold in the gasp but everyone has already noticed. Especially Alice. I can see her eyes going blank again as she watches another vision unfold in her mind. Once she finishes her glare on me is undoubtfully optimistic and I realize what she had just watched. Me finding out I was pregnant or even worse, me giving birth to the child inside of me. I bite my lip as I know Edward has seen what she has as well.

Once the Volturi have left, Alice immediately flings herself into my arms; giving me a huge hug.

"This is going to be great for the both of you!" her high pitched voice echos through the meadow, lingering loudly into my ears. I dont know how to respond to that one. I never wanted a child; let alone have one at eighteen years old! How could I even think something positive out of this? When I'm released from her hug; everyone but Edward and her, stare at me bewildered. I sigh and then realize I'll have to tell them as well. With one big breath I spill everything out.

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