11. Signs

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Edward zips the tent back up and then sits on the side looking back at me. I dont know what to do, what to say...I dont even know how to act around him anymore. Edward has changed so much since I last saw him. I mean his looks havent changed just his personality. He use to be a get to the point kind of guy; but now he seems more patient about things. More...discreet.  

The weather hasnt helped much with my temperature and It's beginning to become like a sauna. I know Edward doesnt notice this -since he's always cold- but he must notice my face. Little beads of sweat form on my forehead and I constently wipe them away.

"Bella?" I stop my hand from wiping my face and look back at him. His gaze means only one thing; he's going to ask me something in which I will not like. "You're warm," his words were not formed in a question yet a statement. I nod my head and then give him a bewildered look. Before I can even think Edward's at my side. I flinch back and scoot away.

"What the heck!" I yell; pushing words which were forming in my mouth out.

"I thought you were warm?" he asks me. I sigh and then realize he's right. I am hotter than ever right now; and I still can't beileve this rain isnt helping one bit! I nod but stay where I am. Edward rolls his eyes and then comes over to where I stay seated. His arms wrap around me and instantly I feel cooler. I nessle down into his chest and remember all the times I feel asleep like this with him. Night after night Edward would come in through my window and help me fall asleep; just like Jake does now...

"Edward..." I ask quietly. He adjusts me in his arms and then looks down to me. "I'm sorry too; for throwing you into that window." I say trying hard not to laugh. Edward smiles and then kisses me on the top of my head. "I'm with Jacob though." I tell him again. He sighs a needy sigh.

"I heard." his voice is very sarcastic so I nudge him for it.

"Can we hunt?" I ask changing the subject; and my throat is begining to burn again. Edward looks at me strangly and then agrees. We both exit the tent and run a little into the woods. The rain isnt a terrible problem, but still gets us wet. This will be the first time ever I have been along with Edward hunting! I mean it's not somthing in which i would want to witness just something people tell me to watch. Everyone in the Cullen's had told me Edward was the best hunter out of them all and so I'm curious to see how he kills.  

I can smell something in the clearing...deer. I know how this will turn out so I decide to watch Edward first. I turn my head to notice he already has a large mountain lion clamped in between his teeth. I gulp loudly; for I never knew he had even biten it; let alone caught it. Edward's clothes are neat and clean, while his teeth are as well. I look at him in amazment as he finishes the animal's blood.

"How did you just do that!" I ask walking over to the dead limp animal. Edward chuckles and then picks it up throwing it to the side.

"Practice." Is all he says before I give it a try. Edward keeps telling me that to get a good kill I need to lunch back on my most dominate foot first and then leap. I do as told -for practice- and face plant onto the ground.

"Well that's not right." I tell him standing back up and dusting off. He smiles and then tells me to try again. I must have tried at least twenty times before I actually did it right! Next was the clean kill part of my practice. Usually I just dig in but Edward had told me that if you do that everything will be a bloody mess. And it's true. I first catch a scent of an elk in the clearing; so I lunch back on my right foot and pry myself forward leaping onto the back of the large animal. I start to freak out then and remembering everything Edward had told me before is hard. With one big snap I break the elk's neck and blood drains down. I hurry off and get to the side; drinking carefully -not wanting any blood on me. When I finish Edward praises me and I'm glad; since it was a lot harder than it seems. I look down at my clothes to notice not a speck of blood anywhere in sight! I smile and that's when Edward notices. My teeth...red as a beet! I laugh and then try to lick everylast bit away. Edward tells me we should be getting back; but I'm still craving for more. With one big leap I sling myself over the back of another elk and it goes down in a second. I drain all the blood with not a morsel left behind. I wipe my mouth dry with the back of my hand and look back at Edward who's staring at me in bewilderness.

"What?" I ask licking my lips. Edward motions to the dead elk by my feet and then back up at me. "Yea so?" I tell him throwing the elk into the brush and dusting myself off.

"Most vampires -half human or not- dont drink that much blood in five minutes! Usually we're already full." he tells me. I smile and then close my mouth incase blood shows.

"Well I'm not full." I tell him smelling around. All in an instant Edward grips my arm and starts pulling me back to camp. I sigh and go along with it. Edward sets up a fire while I listen to the howls. I dont know if any are Jacob's or not; but I'm sure one of them is. Edward seems to be talking to me; but I'm too concerned with the ignitions of howls. Are they fighting right now; killing the newborns? Is Victoria dead? Is Jacob alright?  

Right when I'm in the middle of my thought I hear Edward loud and clear.

"Bella. Bella!" I flinch back and notice Edward's pulling me up.

"What?" I question almost tripping.

"Victoria's coming; I can hear her thoughts." Edward's voice is strained and I can tell this is bad. He pushes me behind him and I grab the back of his shirt; scared now as well. I can hear hisses in the background; but I can't find the source of them. My hand finds Edward's and soon I'm holding on for dear life. Victoria's stronger than me and can kill me in an instant; if she just gets to the point. I look around at the same time Edward does and soon we both see her. Perched high in a pine tree is the one and only Victoria; but she's not alone.

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