23. Good boy

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****Edward's P.O.V****

 I only wanted to keep my distance from everything in which, I knew would be nothing but trouble. I would have gone to the wedding, but Jacob would have been ruined and I dont want that...intentially. He must have been quite pleased that I didnt go, but Bella on the other hand...

I walk in through the door noticing Jacob already giving me that glare. He hates me and I know. What can I do though, I didnt want to be one of these 'bloodsuckers', I didnt choose to have this life. It's not like I'm going around trying to kill every human alive?

Get. Out. Jacob thinks. I breath in deep and then shake my head.

"I care about her too." I say, making Bella's head turn my way a bit. She doesnt seem to care the least bit because she just turns back around, pulling Jacob's arm closer to her frail body. I groan making my way to the other side of the bed and kneeling down.

"Go away." she tells me fast turning to Jacob. I sigh trying to explain myself, but getting cut of by Jacob's rude thoughts and Bella's snide comments.

"Just listen!" I yell a bit. "I know I hurt you Bella, mostly from my leaving but also from not attending the wedding. I'm sorry, if I knew how much this ment to you I would've came-"

"I invited you Edward! Wasnt I clear enough that I wanted you to come?" she says harsher now, turning a bit to me. I think about it and realize she's right. "I mean why do you even care about me? Just leave that to Jacob because he's doing it all. Not you." she says looking up into my eyes. Her brown ones make me remember the way I had left her. Left her there in the woods, all by herself. I knew it was wrong but I had to keep my promise. It hurt me so much, but I had really thought it was something good for her; not something in which was going to hurt her.

"I really am sorry, love." I say to her without even thinking. I knew it the wrong choice of words and really not the best time to say it, but I had to. It was like an urge that I couldnt hold in.

"Dont call me that Edward." she says covering her ears in the process. I sigh and then stand back up, leaving the room like I had came. Listening to Jacob's thoughts crossing through to me.

****Bella's P.O.V****

"Dont call me that Edward." I tell him loudly, thinking of all the times in which he'd said that before. I heard him sigh that needy sigh; but he just left, not saying another word or comment. I turn to Jacob completely and scruffed. He smiled back, kissing me on the lips.

About a half an hour later my parents finally arrive. I hear the doorbell ring and immediately the door flings open.

"Where is she?" my mom says, obviously with tears in her eyes. I sigh and then shake my head preparing myself for the crying fest.

"Follow me." A familiar voice tells her. Without a second to spare I listen as the door creaks open revealing cries upon the many. I groan out, slipping Jacob's hand into mine and gripping it tightly. He notices and just smiles back at me.

"Bella!" my mom says louder than usual as she comes over next to Jacob and looks directly at me.

"Mom I'm fine, no need to worry." I say looking up into her red tear-filled eyes. I feel bad for scaring her so much, but then again I couldnt help it.

"How ya doing though Bells? I mean really?" my dad says coming up from behind my mom and patting her on the back. I hestiate for awhile and then try to answer in the most believeable sentence.

"It's still a little blurry, but please dont fret because it's nothing. Ask anyone." I say grabbing my mom's hand with my free one. She looks up and squeezes it tightly, hurting me in the process. "Maybe a little lighter though mom." I say trying not to show much pain.

"How do you do this Jake?" she asks lauhging a bit. Jacob looks at her and then shake his head.

"It's all in the wrists." he says laughing back at her. I have to admit I'm glad my parents are more fond of Jacob then of Edward; because I knew they really didnt like him...

My parents stay a bit longer, until Alice breaks in through the door.

"Oh sorry, didnt mean to intrigue." she says taking a step back, but keeping her eyes locked on Jacob.

"You didnt, we were just finishing up." Charlie says. "Come on, Bella's fine." he tells my mom.

"Okay. See you later then sweetie. I hope you had a good wedding...to a point" she tells me kissing my forehead quick and then returning my hand to my side. I watch them leave the room silently and I listen as they start up their car and drive off.

"Okay I've got big news." Alice says coming back completely into the room. I look at her directly and notice the scare in her eyes, like she's just had a horrible vision.

"Well tell us!" Jacob urges, gripping my hand a bit too tight.

"Jake-" I let out, trying to release some pressure. I can tell he's fet up with waiting and just wants things here and now.

"Sorry." he mumbles not looking at me but releasing his hand from mine and putting it into his pocket.

"That's not what I ment." I whisper quietly to myself. I really dont care all that much though, so I just focus back on Alice.

"Malia. She's in the hospital and recovering." Those words chocked up Jacob to the gut. I could feel him shaking so bad, I was scared for once.

"Why didnt you just kill her? There is nothing on earth worse than having my Bella hurt!" he yells at Alice, making her jump a bit.

"I didnt want to be a murderer you mutt." she yells back. It's then Jacob starts shaking worse then before and he turns to me. I know when ever he does this it's to calm him down. He would never want to hurt Alice in particular.

"Jacob...relax." I say rubbing him arm. He looks directly at me and then calms down, almost as if my touch re-kindled him into the human he use to be. As calm as ever. "It's fine Malia learned her lesson alright." I say looking at Alice, rewinding the tape in my head.

"Yes, she did learn a well developed lesson." Alice repeats smiling at the thought. I sigh and then go back to Jacob. His face has gone back to the normal Jacob and he's not tensing up at all.

"Good boy." I say leaning up for a kiss. He accepts without hesitation.

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