8. Wake up and smell the blood

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"Hey Bells; I just wanted to say what you did to Edward was awesome!" his voice is calm and gentle and I like it. I smile a little and then look back down. I know I shouldnt feel bad, but then again getting back at someone -just because they made you sad- is the wrong choice. I come back into reality when I feel Jacob next to me. I look up right when his lips collide with mine. I dont know if this was tentional or not but I dont care right now. I wrap my hands onto the back of his neck and pull him closer. Trust me this isnt the most pleasant thing in the whole world; but I'm trying to get over that fact. Jacob's arms wrap around me and soon I get flung onto my back. I look up and notice Jacob above me leaning back in for a kiss. I giggle a little and then let him with a groan. Who would have known two best friends -who are either half wolf or half vampire- would be doing such a thing. I mean I wouldnt believe it! A couple hours pass and our bodies are still smacked against each other. I'm tired -yes- but I dont want to stop anything. I like this moment right where it is...

My eyes flutter awake as I realize I wear barely anything. What all had happened last night? I ask myself. I slowly yawn and then adjust my position. I didnt realize it until I actually hit him. Jacob was sleeping next to me. I gasp and then flinch back. I never knew he fell asleep in my bedroom; with me! This was so weird, but at least he's asleep and doesnt notice me freaking out...of course I thought too soon.

"Finally you wake up!" Jacob exclaims sitting up. He doesnt rest in any covers so that makes a little anxiety go away. I look at him with wide eyes and then he gets it.

"Oh Bells sorry." he scatters off the bed and over to the door. I dont want him to leave but he was already out with a slam. I sigh and then get changed real fast. As I head out my door and into the kitchen I notice Leah, Seth, Billy and Jacob all surrounding the table eating at many different  breakfast items. I sit by Seth and lean back in my uneven chair. I like how everyone just goes on with their business and doesnt stare.

"So Bella how was you're first night?" Billy asks wheeling himself over to the sink and tossing a plate inside it. My mind goes blank as I look for the right words to tell him. No i can't say bad, or amazing; that would just be wrong. But I have to say something nice otherwise he would be disappointed and try to make things better. I bite my lip and stare at the bowl of fruit in front of me. I know what I'm going to say but I can't find the courage to speak it all.

"Come on Bella it's one simple question!" Leah yells loudly; her eyes locked on mine. I look down at my hands and then back up at Billy -who's face has lost all interest- and finally I speak.

"It was good; different...b-but good." I stutter stupidly. Billy nods his head and then wheels himself into his room. I sigh and then slam my head onto the table. What a stupid answer Bella! I think to myself. Anything would have been better than that! I push myself up from the table and rush out of the room with a groan. I head for the forest since my thrist is getting the best of me. I slam through the thicket until I catch the scent of a mountain lion in the distance. I launch myself back about to jump when I smell something else in the air. Something quite familiar. I pry my legs back into their normal position and look around. No one I know in sight and then I hear him. Charlie.

"Hey Billy...have you heard anything about Bella?" his voice seems depressed and I feel so bad. I knew I shouldnt have left him; I should've just fought my way out of the whole crime scene thing. That would have been so much easier on him and me. I wouldnt feel so remorseful over everything and he wouldnt be led to beileve his daughter was missing! I just hope he'll forgive me if I ever come back home...

"Sorry Charlie I've got nothing." I would most likely be crying right now since I hate to hear my father like this...but I suck it in. I look back in the direction of the animal scent and try to find it again; since my thirst is raving me. When I get the scent I lunch back onto my heels, pry myself up into the sky and back down onto the small lion. It struggles to get free but I win by sinking my sharp teeth into it's soft fur. Slowly it dies and I suck every last bit of blood from the poor animal. My throat goes back to normal but I notice my clothes splattered in blood once again. Nothing I try lets me look clean at the end of the day! I think to myself. Ugh

"I suck at this." I mutter to myself. I grab a few dry leaves and wipe some of the blood off; leaving a mear stain on my clothes. I yawn and then wait behind a tree for Charlie to leave. It's been a good five minutes now and I can't believe he's still talking to Billy!

"If you ever see her; tell her it's okay to come back home." Charlie says loudly. I sigh and then look behind me. I notice the leaves moving fast as if someone has ran past them, so I hold my hand out to check the wind; and there is none. I shake my head and just imagine a racoon running across; but what happens next proves that this is no racoon. I push my body up the tree and stay perched watching the ground bellow me send whisps of air everywhere. Dust storm? No that's not possible there's still no other wind. I sit in silence watching the swirls until I come face to face with my death yet again. Victoria. 

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