16. Hole in my chest

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Shock. I think he's gone into shock! I let go of Jacob and rush over to Charlie; shaking him much harder than I should be. His face looks completely red and I dont think he's breathing!

"Dad...Dad!" I yell a bit louder than before. His eyes move to mine quick as he lets out his breath. Turning back to his normal color he begins rambling on.

"This isnt right to get married so early! How could you even be considering such a thing! I didnt even know Jacob and you were so close! Bella why'd you keep this secert from me; this is terrible! I won't let this happen..." he goes on and on about everything and finally gets to the question which might have been bugging him the most. "Bella...were you even really lost?" he waits for my answer but I dont say anything. My mind is racing right now, about things in which I'll need to tell him in the future. Will he freak out as much as he is right now or will he be civil about it and help me through? I feel like exploading and literally throwing up. I can't tell my dad I ran away with Jacob! What kind of a daughter would I be; a horrible one at the least. I swallow hard and I try to keep back the food from re-appearing but it doesnt succed. With one gulp I run straight for the bathroom not evening looking back to check if anyone's following. I fling up the toliet seat and start bringing up everything in which I had eaten in the last few days; which surprisingly isnt much. I dont even realze Jacob at my side; holding my hair back, as I slowly finish. I know he knows what's going on but my father on the other hand...well...he's most likely wondering why the heck I just did that. Maybe I could lie and tell him I was feeling sick this whole week? No i can't keep doing that, I need to tell him the whole truth and nothing but it.  

I slowly inch my head to a rising point so my eyes meet Charlie's; who's staying put in the doorway. Immediately I can catch the glimpse of doubt and worry in his eyes and I wonder what he's thinking. Maybe he's already onto me; maybe he's already presumed...I'm...pregnant. Then again it's never this easy.  

Jacob leans back to grab some toliet paper and wipes my mouth clean from any remains of my throw up. I gulp down the taste of it all and gag again making Charlie face away.

"Here drink this." Jacob says handing me a clear cup of water. I immediately chug the whole thing down and feel a bit better.

"Thanks," I push out slowly, gripping Jacob's arm to propel myself up from the ground. Everything becomes blurry then, like a head rush but worse and I fall forward slamming myself into the sink.

"Ugh." I groan out holding my stomach for protection and comfort at the same time.

"Oh Bella..." Charlie groans coming to my aid. He holds me up right and carefully walks me into my room, placing me gingerly on my soft bed.

"Dad are you mad?" I ask between my clutched teeth. His expression is full of sorrow like he knows the problem I'm about to face; like he already knows my future.

"I'm not mad Bells; just confused." how is he confused! I'm the one confused right now! I dont know what to say, think or do! A sigh of relief flys past me when I notice Jacob in the doorway; keeping his distance from our talk. I smile at him and try to sit up; but Charlie places me back down immediately. "Dont want anymore food brought up now do we?" he says with a smirk. I groan and then agree; since it does sound like a good idea. It's quiet for a moment; the only sound I can hear is out rapid heartbeats and the slow but steady breaths we take. "Well I've got a big case due tomorrow so I better start. Just stay put here Bells okay?" Charlie says with a voice I can barely tell is his own. I nod slowly and purse my lips waiting for his exit. With one quick movement his back faces me as he walks out the room; ignoring Jacob completely on the way out. With a slam of his bedroom door I can tell he's going to be in there for awhile.  

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