Chapter 13 - Sail Away

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"Dean, we have to go or we'll miss the bus." Sam said while picking up his backpack.

Dean shook his head. "Just a minute. She'll be here. She's just running late."

Sam cast his eyes downward sadly.

They had been at the bus station for almost an hour waiting for Faith. After she woke in the early morning and kissed a still sleeping Dean goodbye, she had taken her things and left.

Sam didn't think she was coming, but Dean was adamant. He wasn't leaving without her.

A woman's voice came through a loud speaker in the ceiling saying something about last call for their bus.

Sam tugged on Dean's jacket sleeve.

"We have to go."

Dean struggled internally while giving one last look towards the two entrances. He shouldered his duffle bag and his face fell. He had to leave for Sammy's sake, but inside his heart was breaking. Where could Faith be? And why didn't she come?

He pushed his feelings down and ushered his brother towards the long grey bus.

They were the last ones on the bus and had to sit in the front. But at least they were together.

Staring blankly out the window, a single tear slipped down Dean's face.


Across the street sat a woman with short pale hair and looked to belong in a library or museum. On the rusty bench next to her was Faith with tears streaming down her face.

"You did the right thing, dear. They'd never understand the life you have to lead." The woman spoke with a British lilt in her voice.

"It's not fair." Faith sobbed.

"Life never is for girls like you. You have a lot to learn and those boys would have just stood in your way."

"They were my family, Gwendolyn. They aren't just boys." Faith replied fiercely.

"Hunters don't have family, dear. Hunters live by thier own rules and would have turned you away at some point."

"How do you know their hunters? Dean only told me the other night. That's why I called you. Because I realized he was right about the monsters."

Gwendolyn nodded. "I know. I've ran into quite a few in my day and their all the same. A lonely and aggressive lot, they are."

"But, Dean and Sam are different."

The older woman shook her head again. "Sadly not. They will both grow up to be hunters eventually. Especially that older one. He has the eyes already. He's had a taste of the hunt."

Faith watched the bus pull out of the lot. Her sad eyes never left the tail lights until they faded from her view. She sniffled and wiped her face.

"Forget about them, dear. You have work to do."

"I'll never forget them. Never. But, you're right. I do have work to do. This better be worth it, lady."

Faith steeled her heart and sealed away her memories of the best time of her life.

"What's today's date, G?" Faith asked in her toughest voice.

Gwendolyn's eyes grew wide as saucers. "I beg your pardon, young lady."

Faith blinked at the older woman. "The date."

"Uhm... it's August the... uh... 13th..." Gwendolyn sputtered.

"Mark that down for me would you. You're taking me to get a tattoo." Faith slipped her backpack on her back and started walking with a purpose.

"Excuse me? I am not."

Faith stopped in her tracks and glared at the stuffy woman.

"Look G, you just made me give up the two people I love the most. So things are going to go my way from here on out. I'll do your stupid training and I'll help save the world. Whatever. But, first I'm getting a tattoo to always remember the day I made this decision. You got that."

Gwendolyn replied, "Why couldn't I have been assigned an easy slayer?" Then she stared into the sky.

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