Chapter 33

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C H A P T E R  T H I R T Y - T H R E E

Kelsey's P.O.V.

"You and Zach are the two most cliché people I have ever met," Luke noted from a few yards away. "That was fast."

My gaze abruptly snapped from Zach to Luke, who was standing in the doorway with a playful smirk on his face. "Why'd you just barge in here like that?"

"It's my house," Luke stated while trying his best not to laugh. "I can come and go where I please."

I turned towards Zach, whom I was leaning up against in a loving manner. I noticed that his cheeks were shining a bright pink as he gave Luke an amused eye roll. I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

"Zach, am I embarrassing you?" Luke teased while brushing a bit of his bangs out of his eyes.

"No," retorted Zach a bit too quickly. "No you're not embarrassing me."

Zach realized his mistake and his complexion turned from pink to red, his face hot from embarrassment, and I completely lost it. I strained to hold back my laughter, but miserably failed to the point where I was almost doubled over.

Quickly, I composed myself and found myself face to face with a confused Zach, his expression a bit amusing.

"What's so funny?"

"One minute, you can be extremely confident, the next, awkward and emotional," I joked, giving him a teasing smile.

"I'm an emotional guy, I can't help it," replied Zach while returning my expression, gazing down into my eyes. I couldn't help staring back, since his bright blue eyes seem to draw me in every time I look into them.

"I think we all know that by now," Luke antagonized with a grin.

"Come on, Luke, really?" inquired Zach, still not taking his eyes off me.

"Yes, really," he replied with a cheesy grin on his face, watching.

Zach simply rolled his eyes and randomly pulled me into a hug, resting his forehead against mine carefully. I gently wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close. I don't know what this warm feeling in my chest is, exactly, but I don't want it to ever go away. I could sit there for hours with Zach's arms gently around me. It's one of the best feelings in the world to me, and I didn't want to let go.

"Cliche alert!" announced Luke as he spun around and exited the room in between chuckles.

"You jealous, Luke?" I teased as he had left the room.

Just as I suspected, Luke peeked his head around the doorframe a mere three seconds later, an amused look plastered upon his face as he replied, "Why would I be jealous? You two are too cheesy for me."

"Zip it, Luke," Zach stated with a playful tone while gently breaking apart from the hug. "I saw you looking at some girl at school earlier, and don't deny it."

"Wait, what?" retorted Luke, a pink tinge starting to flood his complexion. "No I wasn't."

"Yes you were."

"Oh Lord, no."

"Ask anyone at our table, they'll tell you," Zach teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Luke let out a defeated sigh as he replied hesitantly, "Fine, but in my defense, she was cute."

"Yeah, I'm sure," Zach antagonized with a knowing smile. "You looked at her the same way I did when I first saw this weirdo right here," he continued, referring to me.

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