Sneak Peek

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Hi! Sorry! I know this is taking a long while for me to update. But I'm trying to make this next chapter long. I'm really excited for this new chapter, and I hope you are too. I'm not going to give much away, but I will say the name of the next chapter.

I'm going to call it the A Chapter. Because it's called: All About August.

This next chapter will be in August's POV the whole time. I have a lot to cover in the next chapter, so, as I said at the beginning, this will be a long ass chapter. Or at least in my standards it will be. It will probably be around 6000 words or more. That's an accomplishment for me.

Thank you for continuing to read this! I honestly sound sooooooo desperate, but please stick around. I will try to have the next chapter out by Sunday, but I don't know how that will go. I definitely will not have it up anytime during the week days. School is stressful, and all my energy is drained from that half the time. If I don't get it up on Sunday, I will try to get it up on Saturday or Sunday of next week. Also, sorry for publishing something and getting your hopes up, but a lot of people that actually read this don't follow me, so they would t understand why I wasn't updating, so I just decided to do this. It's easier for me anyway. I'm going to delete it after I put the new chapter up though.

Please stay with me, I promise you won't regret it...hopefully. Bye!!

Loveliness out!

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