Chapter 13 // Was it even an act?

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The picture is of Colton Haynes, who plays Anthony Lopez is this story! 


I turned to face the mirror as Travis kindly zipped up my purple dress. I placed the black heels on my feet and walked over to the mirror. I had curled my hair in loose waves and they flowed messily down my back. 

Daniel pushed open the door to my room and stopped, giving me the once over. 

"Lookin' mighty fine Romanos," he commented. 

"You too," I blushed. He was wearing dark wash jeans and a white button-up shirt. He had the first three buttons un-buttoned and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. 

"Alright enough with the flirting," commented Anthony, slouching in the corner of the room. "We need to head back to Travis's place to set up. Party is in an hour,". 

"I thought you guys already cleared stuff out?" I asked. 

"Yeah but we need to set up food and stuff," shrugged Travis. 

"Alright let's hurry," I urged. 

We all walked out of my house and walked down the coldesak to Travis's house. Travis pulled out a pair of keys and unlocked the door. There was a massive family room that would do just fine for the dance floor and there were speakers hooked up in the corner of the room and a some speakers hanging from the ceiling. There were grocery bags on the kitchen table filled with snacks that needed to be set up. 

"Alright Daniel come with me. I need you to help me move some of my moms' vases," said Travis, heading over to a different room. "And you guys set up the snacks,". 

Travis pointed to me, then Anthony. 

"Will do captain," joked Anthony.

I started pulling bags of chips and bottles of soda out of the grocery bags. Anthony grabbed a bunch of plastic bowls from the cabinet and laid them out on the counter. We emptied out all the chips into the bowls and placed the sodas and a jumbo stack of red solo cups next to the bowls. 

"So you ready for tonight?" asked Anthony. 

"I guess," I said. 

"Well it'll be fun," 

"I hope so,"

"I can't wait to see the look on Eric's face," snickered Anthony. 

I looked down at my feet with a straight face- I didn't know why, but I was starting to get cold feet. 

"Look Alexis, he wronged you. This is payback, you should be excited!" he exclaimed. 

I smiled at his efforts to convince me that what I was doing was right- but I knew it was wrong. 


The house was bouncing with music and people were everywhere getting drunk and dancing their asses off. Couples were making out on the couches and on the barstools next to the counter. I spent most of my time with Anthony but was getting really anxious since Eric hadn't showed up yet. Currently I was staring at my phone while Anthony chatted with a few of his "bros".

"So is is true? Are you and Anthony hooking up?" asked some red-headed girl. 

"Yeah," I grinned. 

"Is he good?" she shouted over the noise. 

I gave her two thumbs up and smiled. Of course I had no idea how 'good' he was but that doesn't matter. 

"I'm Alexis," I said. 

"Leslie," she said back. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and Eric?".

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